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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Just searched it, and and the only source was Halo: Broken Cycle. You must have high expectations if you are disappointed in us not answering something that has only appeared in a book that was released one month before you posted the riddle. Get real, it's not at all an obvious answer. Now we technically have no fair way to decide who will post the next riddle, so you can go ahead and throw another one our way. Hopefully this time we won't 'disappoint' you.
  2. Welcome to the community.

  3. Welcome to the community.

  4. Happy Birthday Caboose, sorry for being a day late.

  5. Anyone here going to MCM London Comic-Con next month?

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      If you're going you should get some pics for the site!

    2. Akali


      Even if I'd try to convince my parents for me to go, they don't want me that far away on my own and they'd crush my style >_<

  6. I like this. I might buy some things separately, such as the Spartan-II Insignia. Would you ever gather all Halo related content you own and photograph them?
  7. Is evidence of ONI wanting to encourage conflict between the Covenant Remnant and The Swords Of Sanghelios located in Escalation? Are ONI doing this so Humanity can be powerfully superior?
  8. Team 343I Community.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melody


      Team Germany! :3

    3. ShadowFiend216
    4. Fishy


      Lock and load boys.


      @Melody Germany is the wurst.

  9. Why would ONI want to instigate a civil war? I'm aware of the Kig-Yar's history, thank you, although I didn't see what ONI were lying about and why. I'll check Escalation for that someday, thanks.
  10. Titanfall II. Would you rather go to sleep and never wake up, or go to sleep and wake up 200 years in the future in the same state you were in when you were 'asleep' (take it as cryo-sleep)?
  11. Who is this 'only ally'? The UNSC? I've got no idea about the lies relating to Jackle pirates. Is some of this in Escalation? Doesn't the UNSC have to side with ONI? Doesn't ONI almost command the UNSC? They are both tied together.
  12. Bungie and 343 Industries have actually done a great job of keeping the books and games in line with eachother. I understand the fact that you don't have much time to read, but your statement of 'wtf-ery' in terms of differences between the games and books is false. They're very accurate. True, we may end up seeing the end of the Flood soon if we can get MB's co-ordination. Now what was all that business about the UNSC and ONI above?
  13. 2013's E3 trailer has clearly been less focused on recently, and Mendicant Bias must play a vital role in this somehow. I haven't read any of the forerunner trilogy books, I'm not as knowledgeable about the forerunners so I don't have much to say. The upcoming games will revolve around them a lot though. Why is it that Chief needs to find Mendicant Bias so badly? A lot of his close allies have been dead for a while, yet he continued as normal. Some of his closest allies (Fred, Linda, Kelly, CPO Mendez) are still alive. He would fight by them, he wouldn't go against them and the rest of the UNSC. What trouble is ONI trying to instigate, and why? How has the UNSC not been serving humanity's best interest? I find that real hard to believe. All this sounds like modern day government corruption, and I like this as it's a realistic factor. The soldiers fight and die, whilst the high up spooks sit and benefit themselves.
  14. And yet you stated; This is all made up and doesn't exist At least bother to check first, I didn't make a thread of lies. Not picking a side here, but Bacon does know his lore very well and is most likely more 'INTO the story' than the majority of members here. Having Chief tell Cortana he loves her is just...wrong. This is Halo, not Twilight. He's a soldier, almost emotionless. He wouldn't break down and tell an AI that he loves 'her'. My main question is: Why would Chief go AWOL? Cortana is not a good enough reason, he's been through much more with others, and seen them die. E.g. Grace-093. Read up more about Grace. She's another Spartan-II. Chief literally saw her die, brutally. He activated the Fail-Safe Detonation on her Mark V armour and continued with the mission. I don't want 343I going all Disney style on us here with the story.
  15. Welcome to the community.

  16. At first I thought you were stealing Drizzy's thunder, but this actually works out really well. Congrats Bnus.
  17. It's The Director (Leonard Church) from Red vs Blue, a series animated by Rooster Teeth.
  18. Congrats Ash, I'm sure this is well deserved. Enjoy your month in pink. Unease Pinknut was one year ago already? Wow, I remember his funeral like it was yesterday...
  19. Sounds good. Why were you discharged from the US Marines? Why so many different jobs? What makes you not stick to one type of career?
  20. What career do you have and do you enjoy it? (I'm aware this is considered personal, only answer if you don't mind doing so)
  21. Welcome to the community, nice to have you here. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  22. Heading back over to my local Air Training Corps Squadron, haven't been there in months.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Ah. Only Air Force job I'd find appealing is actually flying the planes.

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      True, but you need 20/20 vision for that. My vision is horrible now, I may get contacts soon. I'll definitely be getting laser eye surgery in the future. Having 20/20 vision will allow you to pilot an aircraft.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Oh. I do have that vision, but I'm actually planning to go Army.

  23. Anyone here seen AnoHana?

    1. Azaxx


      I have it, haven't seen it

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