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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I feel sorry for anyone signing up here today...

    1. HIWBC


      Yep, there's a reason we've never had an active member that signed up on April 1st XD.

  2. Why can we play Darude - Sandstorm over YT videos?

    1. HIWBC


      That's what I was just thinking XD.

    2. Azaxx


      You can, open another tab

    3. Halo6 Follower
  3. Well, this is weird... I'm sure Bnus [bnus] would love to see his 'appreciation' thread.
  4. Nice to have you back Gemini, it's been a while.
  5. And 343 Industries was originally formed out of former Bungie employees.
  6. I noted all you mentioned in your post before replying. What causes you to assume I took anything in 'strong regard'?
  7. Interesting theories, I'll just leave this here...http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/38904-halo-is-not-what-you-think-it-is/ We may have to create further investigations.
  8. What do I need to 'Chill' about? Did you actually read what I typed?
  9. Saying Halo 5 will 'fail' without Mark V MJOLNIR Armour is unreasonable. I don't want it the way I did with Halo 4 (because MCC is out), but it would be nice to see a classic make a comeback. I'm more looking forward to seeing a Mark VI helmet with a slightly different appearance or a Mark VII Helmet. I'm not really interesting in GEN2 MJOLNIR Armour.
  10. Episode 1 of HUNT the TRUTH has been released, and it contains some interesting content. This episode goes into detail on John's childhood, his younger years. We get an interview with Deon Govendor, John's Primary School teacher. He talks about happier times with John. We also get an interview with Ellie Bloom, now this is interesting. You all remember the 'Starry Night' trailer for Halo 3? You know, the one that amazed us all. Ellie Bloom is John's "childhood playmate" that was laying on the ground with him during that trailer. They used to lay down and stargaze on warm nights. There were a few disturbing flaws I noticed though. Benjamin tells Ellie that John is the Master Chief, that's just wrong. The other is that John's teacher (Govendor), tells a story of John wanting to take up boxing at the age of 13, whilst Benjamin even mentions that John was recorded as 'Dead' at the age of six. Benjamin mentions John dying at 6 during the end of the episode, but says that John was killed along with his family at 13 by Insurrectionists (Rebels). I realised that this '13 year old John' must have been the flash clone sent to replace John. If this is true, then why was John recorded 'Dead' at 6 in the Elysium City Documents? This seemed to shock Benjamin. This is an interesting episode and I recommend you check it out if you still haven't. Share your thoughts down below, thanks for reading. https://soundcloud.com/huntthetruth/episode-01-a-hairline-fracture
  11. I vote Team Neutral. Not going to pick one over the other yet. We may just be creating unnecessary conflict between the two. Although, if one is to die and the other survive, I'm with Chief. This is a very, very serious evening...
  12. Welcome to the community, have a nice stay. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  13. I like all this analysis. A few things I noticed that haven't yet been mentioned: 1. In Locke's trailer, he's got less than a clip left in his battle rifle. In Chief's trailer, he's got less than a clip left in his assault rifle. This tells us that both must have previously been in some sort of battle, not too long before meeting each other. Chief has 3 fragmentation grenades whilst Locke has one. Both Spartans have 12 clips in their sidearm though. 2. Look at the damage done to both of the Spartans' armour. They both have a hole burned into the left side of their chest piece (along with other bits of damage). These holes must have been recent, due to the way they appear. You can see a burning ring still glowing around the hole. I'm guessing this was done by plasma, or possibly hard light. This leads me to have no idea what could have been going on to before both Spartans ended up in front of the monument. The lack of ammunition in their primary weapons (as mentioned in point 1) could have something to do with this. 3. Also something else which isn't a big deal but may as well be mentioned; Locke drops his BR to the ground (even though it contains some rounds), whilst Chief holsters his rifle on his back. This shows the difference between how professional both Spartans are. I've always seen Spartan-IVs (in general) as less professional, and Locke only proves this further. The way he talks and behaved physically during his trailer is undisciplined in comparison to Chief's trailer. The difference in professionalism could play a role in what actions are taken and how they proceed to execute those actions. If anyone could further expand on these points, that would be great.
  14. Drizzy beat me to it; 2PM EST is 7PM GMT. I'll be there.
  15. Halo 5's going to be the darkest game of the franchise.

  16. Nice idea Yoshi, great use of a wish.
  17. Attendees of Mecha March Week 4: SikSlik, Drizzy, Bnus, Yang, EK, Fishy, Coldfreeze, Yoshi, Self Destruct, myself. I can't recall any others, I'd appreciate it if someone listed anyone I've missed out on. You have the award, Top 15 members of March 2015 have had their awards handed to them.
  18. Congrats to everyone who made the list, and thanks for having me up there. Happy Birthday Vitamin PWN, sorry for being late.
  19. No problem, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
  20. Listening to the most interesting Halo 5 theories at the moment...

  21. The phone version is most likely behind and doesn't refresh very quickly, unlike using a PC or Laptop. To us you appear as a Brute, your phone may just show you appearing as a Hunter. Your rank remains the same as before, and won't go down unless you have posts you previously made removed.
  22. Caboose said it. 343 once hinted at bringing Halo Reach and/or ODST to Xbox One, but never confirmed it. Now we know that ODST is coming to Xbox One, but nothing's set in stone for Reach.
  23. Thanks for the update SD. I personally don't like how informal this letter was. Knowing ONI, they'd be a lot more professional when communicating.
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