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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Why is it that there are many who dislike Spartan Palmer?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rrhuntington
    3. RedStarRocket91


      Mostly because she comes across as a Mary Sue whenever she's actually on-screen, and she gives off quite an arrogant vibe. It's a problem with a lot of the new characters in Halo 4, they're written to fill a role in the story rather than to be actual characters, and Palmer's probably the most egregious example of that since she spends so much time in the spotlight without actually getting any depth or development.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Yeah, lets all hope 343 improve on this, they've still got time

  2. Good luck superintendent, hope to see you come back soon.
  3. Welcome to the community.

  4. Congratulations to all of you, I'm sure this is well deserved. Nice write up Yoshi.
  5. Welcome to the community

  6. If by telepathy you mean I can read peoples' minds, then I'd rather have that. Telekinesis would make me a freak. Would you rather have no TV at all, or no Xbox at all?
  7. Would you rather know every language in existence, or be able to turn invisible at any time you want?
  8. The silver fox is a form of the red fox, and there's no major difference between them. The silver fox only appears to be much darker because of more melanin(a natural pigment). It all depends on which one you think looks better. Red foxes tend to look friendlier and would make more of an approachable pet to some people, whilst the silver fox looks more dangerous and unfriendly. These are only how they appear, so I recommend you choose which one looks better to you.
  9. Biology vs Chemistry vs Physics? I'd like an actual answer please (based on your opinion), thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I see how the environmental factors of Biology use some Chemistry. When it comes ot Biology, I prefer learning more about the human body.

    3. Buns


      If you prefer learning about the human body then Biology isnt your thing. Things like Anatomy, Pathology, Physics(doctors/nurses must know Physics as well) Biochemistry or even Biophysics.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      So far, everything I've learnt about the human body has come from Biology. Anatomy is Biology.

  10. Who's looking forward to ODST on MCC?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I am looking forward to MCC not working so Azaxx can remain in agony.




    3. Azaxx


      I don't even have much desire to play that failure anymore, not while I have my Destiny lol

    4. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      I've been playing ODST for years now.

  11. Hey forum, Executive producer Dan Ayoub has given us further information on Halo 3: ODST and the remastered 'Relic' map coming to the Master Chief Collection. 'Relic' was a well loved map from Halo 2, and ODST was an unforgettable game for many of us. 343 Industries are clearly working real hard to redeem theirselves. He says "our test and community teams have been running daily playtests on Relic to hammer on the map as much as possible." Sounds like 343 are putting in a lot of effort to bring us new content. There will be further details regarding launch dates as they begin finishing things up. Dan states that there is another content update coming in April. There has been a fairly recent update that has fixed up matchmaking, so players should no longer have problems connecting with each other online. There will be further updates to eliminate any remaining issues with the Master Chief Collection. Below are some new images released that show the Relic map, and a shot of Halo 3: ODST. Comparison between classic and remastered graphics Action on the remastered version of Relic The plaza from Halo 3: ODST in the Master Chief Collection What do you all think about these images? Are you looking forward to the major update? Leave your thoughts down below, thanks for reading. - Spartan Source: http://halo4nation.com/master-chief-collection/31315-master-chief-collection-update-dan-ayoub/
  12. Today I learned that there's something called Pi day...that explains a lot.

  13. Welcome to the community

  14. Welcome to the forum.

  15. Understood, thanks. Anyone know if Yoshi's been hit? I've lost track of most things.
  16. Ah, so they changed their target and you selected the wrong one? Does Frank's death count then? Are we continuing from that last scene posted? Edit: I'm aware this was an accident, and I appreciate that things can get very confusing with hosting such a big game.
  17. Welcome to the community, we hope you have a pleasant stay.

  18. From what I've heard, things have been improving with players when it comes to finding a game in MCC. If this is a problem with 343i directly, then it may take a few days to start working again. This is not the real 343 Industries so we can't speak on their behalf. If you seek a direct response from them, visit their website here: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb I personally recommend you wait a little longer to see if things start working again, then go ahead to contacting 343 Industries. Hope this all works out.
  19. I'm confused at what happened. From what I saw, the mafians executed Frank and he turned out to be a zombie. You then said that posting Frank up was a mistake, I'm missing something out here.
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