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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the community, it's good to have you here.
  2. A mafian could be a zombie too, lets keep that in mind. If the mafians hit a pro-town, feel free to turn on them. These all seem like lucky shots. I will not vote until a further round. So who actually died? Or who was meant to die? Did we have another zombie taken down or not?
  3. Nice to see you back, haven't seen you around for a while buddy (it's UNSC Spartan-II).

  4. BZ, you were one the first members to assist and welcome me after joining the community. The day you became a Community Moderator, I knew that justice was being served. You were always there to provide help when needed, and have been a great friend to all of us. You made this forum a friendly place to be when I had first joined, and you continued to bring in positive energy every day I had signed in since then. Not only are you a great friend to us all, but a great support to the forum overall, carrying out your job professionally. Always making a huge impact on this forum when staff, and when not staff. "Never say goodbye. If you don't say 'goodbye', then you aren't really gone. You...just aren't here right now." - Carolina I need to know, will you be back? And thank you for the memories: Edit: Image was from one of Drizzy's older WNWs, thanks Drizzy.
  5. Sounds fair enough Clearly you haven't considering you've brought it up multiple times, and still continue to do so. Just let it go, no hard feelings were meant.
  6. There has always been use for every pro-town player from the start. I know you're not happy that you're dead, but have you been betrayed two games in a row, then been the first to die the game after that? I don't think so. My point is that we all (most of us anyway) have experienced what you've gone through and clearly didn't like it either. Things like this happen, we just need to accept them and move on.
  7. Do attendees of the Titanfall Event (Mecha March Week 1) receive the 'Gamer' award?
  8. "The only thing that stops us from doing the really cool things is time" - Monty Oum

  9. Congrats on 666 Anime. You forgot to mention the part where if we don't share this to at least 5 different people, we'll get murdered at midnight.
  10. Welcome to the forum, it's Spartan.

  11. Creating a lie clearly won't end well. We both know you've unnecessarily betrayed me on several occasions, feel free to PM me if you want to continue your false statements.
  12. There's some great analysis here. Great work Ed and the rest of you. I'm looking forward to seeing what's happening. The image looks kind of sad to be honest, seeing Chief in that state in front of that stone, there's something about it that makes me feel like it's all coming to the end. Things are going to be real different now. I noticed something in the image that may really disturb some of you, it definitely got me by surprise. WARNING: PROCEED WITH CAUTION
  13. Have both, although my 360's packed away and is no longer used.
  14. I haven't been on MCC for a while, but this is great to hear. I'm glad 343 are going through with all these useful updates, they are needed. Thanks for the update Red.
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