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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Looks like my gut feeling about Tony was correct. I say we RNG it between TD and Pb.
  2. Bought Titanfall Deluxe Edition, real good. Anyone want to play sometime?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      A lot of us do lol. Just no one plays it much

    3. Fishy


      We need to have a playdate schedule for it, on the Xbox One though...

    4. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i just got it myself, so if anyone wants to play hit me up on xbl

  3. I'm getting the feeling it wasn't Tony, but who knows... I'm going to take Caboose's advice and vote null. I know, they're going to multiply rapidly, but that's why we have vaccines.
  4. This is what I did in 7.0, but everyone started bashing me and the Detective for it. Pro-town were too ignorant, good to see that we've gotten more intelligent. Good, it gives the zombies an actual role to play.
  5. Is Titanfall good?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jack Of Harts
    3. joshyzburton
    4. Akali


      Titanfall is a really fast paced game, every weapon is fairly balanced and so are the titans. The story might be garbage but the multiplayer is perfect. Pick up the deluxe for £10. You'd be stupid if you don't

  6. @Self Destruct: Doesn't that mean that a zombie has technically no role because RNG will be choosing for them? I'm thinking it's either TD or Pb.
  7. I agree, hopefully it will never come to the point where someone has to be banned.
  8. Power of invisibility. Would you rather be an ODST, or a Spartan-IV?
  9. These armour sets don't interest me, but there is still more to come. Nice thread EK.
  10. That's not a prank. I'll take a dare.
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