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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Change your profile picture to a food you really like for 24 hours. I'll take a truth.
  2. Shotgun all the way. That thing tears them apart across all Halo's.
  3. It depends on the rifle, but easily a gunfight. I'd be able to actually stay standing up that way. Would you rather be restricted from playing any Halo game for a year, or restricted from accessing this forum for 6 months?
  4. Mafia 9.0: Banter Edition - FINALE As TheSilverCenturion was making his way downtown, he was approached by a man. The man stopped TSC in his tracks, then pulled something out of his coat. TSC's heart began to race. "Oh no...you're one of them!" TSC shouted as the man pulled out a contract offering propane. He turned around and ran for his life screaming "I'll never buy your illegal substances!" TSC rounded a corner, ran through an alleyway, then emerged on the other side of the streets. He found a seat and decided to take a little rest. "I've had many encounters with those freaks trying to sell me propane." he said to himself. He looked around, not a single soul in sight. "I should be safe now" he sighed with relief. He stood up, only to be slammed against the wall by a masked man. TSC lashed at the scarf concealing the man's identity, and tore it off. He then realised that this man, was the Juggernaut. Edward pulled out a baguette and attempted to slash at his target. TSC dodged and rolled out the way. I prepared for this TSC thought to himself. He pulled out a pistol, and aimed it at the mafian. Kenway froze, and gave a confused look. "Time to die mafian!" TSC roared then fired the pistol. Turned out he was aiming the pistol the wrong way, and shot himself in the throat. Edward walked over to his corpse. "What a -" BOOM. The Sniper 360 no-scoped Kenway. The mafian dropped to the ground with a bullet in his chest. "Why did you do it? We could have worked side-by-side." Axilus looked down at the dying mafian. "True, but you were getting kind of rekt. Gg bruh, see you next game." Axilus walked away. The last thing Edward saw was the '#SWAG' embroidered on the back of Axilus' leather jacket. Pro-town gathered in Banter-central. "We have lost many great people these past few weeks, but it is now safe to say that the mafian threat has been eliminated. The lives of those innocent were not lost in vain." The pro-town members cheered "Death to the mafians!" before heading off to drink their national beverage...Scotch. TheSilverCenturion, civilian, supposedly killed by Mafia. Edward Kenway, Juggernaut, 360 no-scoped by Sniper. Mafians rekt, Pro-Town victory. ​Note: Target for execution was selected by RNG due to the mafians' lack of response in the PM thread. I'd like to thank everyone who attended this game. Me and Ruby enjoyed hosting, here's to 10.0.
  5. Congrats to everyone who made the list! A list full of great members to kick off 2015. Nice work to those who compiled the list.
  6. Greetings, forum. Recently, 343 Industries announced their first digital novel, Halo: New Blood. This will feature ODST Edward Buck, also known as 'Bucky'. He's only been seen in Halo 3: ODST, but this novel will show us how he gets on after the Human-Covenant War. With the Chief being listed as MIA and several other Spartans being killed in battle, the new Spartan-IV program is introduced. After the UNSC recognising Buck's heroic efforts in the Human-Covenant War, they leave him with two options. He can either retire to a luxurious life, or take up a promotion and become a Spartan-IV. Buck has to make a life-changing decision. Will he retire and live the nice, peaceful life any veteran soldier would love? Or, will he join the new Spartan program and continue to fight whatever force opposes mankind? Cover art for Halo: New Blood Halo: New Blood will be released on 2 March, 2015. It will be written through Buck's perspective. What do you think about this? Are you happy to see old Bucky make a return? Thanks for reading. - Spartan Source: http://halo4nation.com/other/halo-blood-announced-buck-odsts/ View full article
  7. Greetings, forum. Recently, 343 Industries announced their first digital novel, Halo: New Blood. This will feature ODST Edward Buck, also known as 'Bucky'. He's only been seen in Halo 3: ODST, but this novel will show us how he gets on after the Human-Covenant War. With the Chief being listed as MIA and several other Spartans being killed in battle, the new Spartan-IV program is introduced. After the UNSC recognising Buck's heroic efforts in the Human-Covenant War, they leave him with two options. He can either retire to a luxurious life, or take up a promotion and become a Spartan-IV. Buck has to make a life-changing decision. Will he retire and live the nice, peaceful life any veteran soldier would love? Or, will he join the new Spartan program and continue to fight whatever force opposes mankind? Cover art for Halo: New Blood Halo: New Blood will be released on 2 March, 2015. It will be written through Buck's perspective. What do you think about this? Are you happy to see old Bucky make a return? Thanks for reading. - Spartan Source: http://halo4nation.com/other/halo-blood-announced-buck-odsts/
  8. Scene 5, Part 2 Edward Kenway was being pushed towards the plank. He had a heavy rock tied to his right foot, a rock that would drag him down to his watery death. As he reached the end of the plank, he smirked. The guard in charge of his death noticed, and became confused. He was almost worried by the way Edward was so confident. The guard went over two give Kenway his push of death, but in a flash, the mafian released his hidden blade and slashed at the rope tying the heavy rock to his foot. The guard was drawing his sword as Edward shoved the blade up his throat. The mafian froze in position for a full second, before releasing then sprinting towards the Captain's quarters. He burst through the door, only to greet a surprised ship Captain. With all the other guards running after him, Edward leaped at the Captain, lunching his hidden blade into his throat. "But, why?" the Captain choked. "It was just a bit of banter, no big deal." Kenway shrugged. The mafian pulled off the cross-shaped necklace from the dying Captain and admired it. Several guards burst into the room, forcing him to surrender. "U wot?" Kenway replied. "I'll have you know,-". He was cut of by a knife that was thrown at him. It wounded his left shoulder. All the guards surrounded him, preparing to tie him back up for good. Kenway shouted "I'm the Juggernaut! You can't kill me in your dreams!". He then activated the necklace and was teleported to a safe. Edward Kenway, Juggernaut, injured. Everyone with a role, feel free to PM us with your next move.
  9. Congrats on hitting Trusted, keep up the dedication. It's good having you here.
  10. It was pretty weird, I had this years ago. So I was back in primary school, and for some reason, we were all on top of skyscrapers. These tall buildings were all close to each other, so you could easily jump from one to another. My class was just playing around, playing tag and on things you'd find in a park (e.g slide, swings, etc... Not sure why they were on a skyscraper.). I was just walking around, when all of a sudden a guy with an active chainsaw appeared and sliced one of the Teacher Assistants. I can't remember whether he was masked or not. I ran for my life, and watched another one of my teachers get destroyed by the crazy chainsaw man. I ran to one of my teachers, quickly warning him about the threat. He assured me everything was just fine right before having his head sliced off. I kept running until I reached a dead end. I looked down the skyscraper, then back at the crazy chainsaw man closing in on me, I turned back and jumped off. My vision faded to white, then the dream was over. This happened years ago, but it's definitely a memorable dream. Kinda funny when I remember it now. Truth or dare?
  11. Do you have an idol, if yes, who and why? (can be non-existent)
  12. The Arctic is a desert. The Arctic, as long as I have everything I need. Would you rather die from dehydration, or being drowned?
  13. Why did this only pick up attention a year after the thread was posted? Anyway...
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