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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Scene 2, Part 2 The crowd roared with excitement as BATMAN was pulled out into the arena. "Die! Die! Die!" They shouted. BATMAN couldn't care less about what they had to say, she was just waiting for it to be over and done with. She was pulled over to a table, on which was a loaded magnum. "Sweet." BATMAN eye-balled the weapon. "When I walk out of this arena, your cuffs will be unlocked. You'll then have five seconds to grab that pistol and get ready." said the guard escorting her. "Get ready for what?", BATMAN replied. "For the Executioner". BATMAN's eyes widened. She had no idea what was about to happen when that guard walked out of the door. She looked around, to see the crowd laughing back at her. The guard exited the arena, and a click signified her cuffs being released. She grabbed the pistol and aimed at the opening door. As the huge wooden door opened, it revealed an empty space, devoid of light. She wasn't sure as to what was going to come out of that door, but she was ready for whatever it was. A huge, beastly shadow was all that could be seen as the Executioner walked towards the light. The crowd jumped with joy as the monster came into sight. BATMAN squinted, not believing her eyes. "Is that...a puppy?" The puppy let out a high pitched bark and the crowd staggered back in fear. BATMAN looked around. "You can't be serious...". She aimed at the Executioner, and fired. She blinked, and realised that the beast wasn't there. She then looked down to find the little puppy at her feet, barking for attention. "Aww, that's cute." BATMAN then saw the puppy smile, and reveal a set of razor sharp teeth. "...what the-". BATMAN was cut off as soon as the Executioner jumped at her face and started tearing her apart. She ran around, screaming, but no one could match the Executioner. Less than a minute later, the carnivorous beast had spat out the last bone and walked off to its place of rest. BATMAN, Mafian Don, rek't by the Executioner. To all those who have a role, send the PMs deciding your next action.
  2. Jackle Minor. They're much harder to kill compared to any grunt. Would you rather make your eye colour bright blue, or rose red?
  3. Can't post lynch because I'm waiting on a response from Ruby. If I don't get a response tomorrow, I'll post it.
  4. A Moa. Would you rather get to fly a jet, or a helicopter?
  5. American football. Would you rather join the Navy or the Air Force?
  6. Welcome ennye! You'll love this place. If you've got any questions, feel free to ask.
  7. Welcome to the forum! Happy to see you joined. :)

  8. Hey forum. I'd like to try out a new game, 'Would you rather...'. You've got to ask a 'Would you rather' question, the next person in the thread responds with the answer then asks one them self. Example: Member1: Would you rather be an Elite or a Brute? Member2: Elite. Would you rather own any Lamborghini or any Ferrari? Lets go. Would you rather be a professional drum player or professional guitar player?
  9. I dare you to have a fake fight in the shoutbox with someone. Screen shot it and post it here in the thread for evidence if you can. Feel free to say it was a joke afterwards.
  10. BATMAN - 13 Bnus - 0 Dexter Grif - 0 Church - 0
  11. BATMAN - 9 Bnus - 0 Dexter Grif - 1 Church - 0
  12. I bought Minecraft: Xbox One Edition. Comment or PM me if anyone has it and would like to play sometime.

    1. Yoshi1176


      I have it, if be happy to play sometime

    2. GermanShepherdD
    3. E-Runner


      Pretty sure my bro got it for own Xbox One, so I could play it, but I'm very noob at it lol

  13. BATMAN - 7 Bnus - 0 Dexter Grif - 1 Church - 0
  14. BATMAN - 1 (Self Destruct) Bnus - 0 Dexter Grif - 0 Church - 0
  15. Round 2, Part 1 Ledgend was just walking out the the Banter Bar, completely wasted after drinking too much scotch. He was exhausted, but couldn't drive home due to passing the limit. He began slowly walking home, barely maintaining his balance. Considering it was 3 in the morning, most residents of Banterville weren't on the streets. Ledgend was alone. He blinked, then saw someone standing in front of him right after opening his eyes. Without having the energy to speak, Ledgend slowly moved to the right, the person blocked his path. The mafian, blocked his path. "You wot m8?" Ledgend said to the mafian, not knowing what he was starting. "I swear on my mum's life, I will wreck you if you don't move." The mafian let out a short laugh. Ledgend, filled with rage, swung at the mafian with his right hand. The mafian dodged, grabbed his wrist, then twisted his arm. There was a painful crack and Ledgend let out a scream. The mafian grabbed him by the throat, then dragged him to an alleyway. Ledgend asked, gasping, "What do you want?". The mafian responded, "Your death." The mafian raised his hands. "No! Don't do it!" Ledgend pleaded. "It's too late now!" The mafian replied. The mafian then proceeded to tickle Ledgend to death. The next day, the police was scouting the area. He took his usual path, down the alleyway, then noticed Ledgend's corpse. He gasped, then began analysing the dead body. "Ah, it seems he's been tickled to death. A very common method of torture here in Banterville." The police stared at the corpse, and thought. "I think I know who did this, it could be..." Ledgend1221, Civilian murdered. The Police has placed BATMAN on the suspects list. Suspects list: BATMAN Bnus Dexter Grif Church
  16. I agree. Having two new civilians added last game had been annoying because it made us so much easier to be discovered. Overall, 1 civilian and one Mafian have been added since the start of the game, so this is not only in favour of the mafians. Having an extra civilian means the mafians are one target more away from winning, and have another vote potentially against them. Another mafian was added to balance things out. No side has the upper hand from the player addition, it is now balanced and there will no longer be any more players joining this game.
  17. Hope you get well soon buddy. Take it easy, get a lot of rest. Every soldier needs a bit of R&R, right?

    1. E-Runner


      Thanksssss Blake! Yup, all I can do is rest so that should be easy :)

  18. Sarge has joined the game. A new mafian has been added. The mafian was chosen by the RNG. It could be any [ex-]civilian, including Sarge.
  19. I hate to avoid a dare, but if I do this it will end up being something extremely inappropriate. If you've seen some of the Bumbleby shippings on Google Images, you'll get a slight hint of what I mean. My creativity + RWBY Shipping = Something you don't want to know... I'd rather take something else.
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