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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 92. Last week we talked about whether we could have defeated the Covenant without the Great Schism occurring, and the clear outcome was that it would not have been possible. Community members Drizzy_Dan and RedStarRocket91 took the stage with some great detailed responses. Click here to view the last poll, 91. What's your favourite naval vessel? Infinity. Pious Inquisitor. In Amber Clad. Enduring Conviction. These are only a few names of some of the most impressive vessels ever built. Each one of these beauties has its own story. Each its own history. Its own kill count. Crew. Adventures. Tech. Weaponry. This week I want to ask you, which ship is your favourite? Be it Covenant or UNSC, there are many legendary ships to choose from, which do you like most? And hey, no funny answers, I don't wanna see any watercraft showing up here. UNSC and Covenant spacecraft only, Forerunners will have to sit this one out I'm afraid. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  2. I thought it was clear I meant static defences alone. Back on-topic, nice work comparing the UNSC's resources between battles, it really shows how much we needed the Great Schism. Open-question: To what extent do you think we would have lost the war without the Great Schism? Would we go extinct at all? Would we be driven to becoming a resistance? How long would it take? Would the official humanity resistance be seen dealing with Insurrectionists/Jackals or other species? Honestly, if the Great Schism didn't happen, I don't think our pride as a species would at all be intact after the war, whether we won or not.
  3. (going from the last legit post) N'tho 'Sraom
  4. Here you're both talking about which battle had more vessels involved. Obviously Reach, because as you said Red, most vessels were gone after that Battle of Reach. The fact that Earth had 300 ODPs and Reach had 20 is enough to say that it's more fortified. Just because more vessels were sent to Reach during its battle, it doesn't mean the planet was more fortified. It was better defended because more naval vessels were dedicated to defending it, but if both planets were attacked at the same time, more vessels would be sent to Earth and you'd be saying Earth was better fortified. It's impossible to say any other planet was fortified better than Reach considering how most of the UNSC Navy was destroyed after the battle, according to you. You should be looking at the permanent defenses put in place to make a fair comparison. The ODPs have MAC cannons and more.
  5. Red said planet, not colony. If we're talking about any planet here, I'm sure Earth's more fortified (link a source if I'm wrong). As for colonies, Reach is probably the most fortified one, I'm not sure though.
  6. Earth was certainly more fortified than Reach. Sure Reach was our largest shipyard, but Earth has a lot more defence.
  7. It wasn't commissioned until 2557 because humanity wasn't fighting an active war, and new Forerunner technology acquired from ONIRF Trevelyan was being installed and tested. If the war was still going on during the beginning of 2553, Infinity would certainly have been deployed earlier, as we know it was could have been ready for combat (and would be needed badly). Without an active war, there's essentially no pressure to commission Infinity early. The UNSC weren't developing Infinity to release it many years later when they'd have little chance of still existing, they were planning to have it commissioned before getting destroyed, makes sense. It was designed to be a colony ship, and there's no point having one if the Covenant's killed us all. What you could say though, is that Infinity wouldn't have as much advanced weaponry and technology if commissioned earlier (due to not having the Trevelyan tech), but they'd certainly role it out before losing.
  8. Why another 4 years for the Infinity? It was launched very shortly after the end of the war.
  9. Nice to have you, welcome to the community.
  10. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 91. Last week we talked about which Elite you like most. Thel 'Vadam topped the poll, with some other interesting individuals also mentioned. Was great to see the community's thoughts on the topic. Click here to view the last poll, 90. Could the Covenant have been defeated without the Great Schism? The Covenant Civil War, also known as the Great Schism, was a climactic and disastrous event for the Covenant. The Elites weren't easily stomped out, unfortunately for the Prophets. Despite being the Covenant's primary warriors for thousands of years, the Prophets had to try replacing them, as many Elites were beginning to realise the truth and chose not to support the Prophets any longer. As the Brutes took their place, and Elites began getting slaughtered, a massive civil war erupted within the Covenant. This event, many believe, caused the Covenant to fall apart. Would the Covenant have been defeated without it though? Many will say that there's no way the Covenant would have lost if the Great Schism didn't happen. Do you think humanity could have defeated the Covenant without it, or would we have lost for certain if there never was a Covenant Civil War? On a side note: I'd like us to remember Miguel Ferrer, the man who voiced Sesa 'Refumee in Halo 2, as he passed away last year. Sesa (pictured above) was one of the first known Elites to realise the Prophets' words were a fallacy, unfortunately the man who represented his voice in English is no longer with us. Rest in peace Miguel. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  11. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 90. Last week we talked about your favourite Covenant species. Unsurprisingly, Elites came out on top. People love their honour-based warrior culture, and they are certainly the most respectable out of the species when it comes to fighting the Covenant. Click here to view the last poll, 89. Which Elite do you like most? With Elites winning the spotlight last week, I figured this'll be a Sangheili-appreciate week for the community. Many of these can be inspiring. The eat, breath, and speak honour. Many Arbiters were brave, and there were many "heretics" heroic enough to defy the Covenant's false foundation. There are many Sangheili out there, from Rtas 'Vadum to Let 'Volir, but which Elite do you like most? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  12. Welcome to the community, please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Don't hesitate to get involved by posting on a thread or striking up a conversation in the Shout Box. :)

  13. Welcome to the community, please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Don't hesitate to get involved by posting on a thread or striking up a conversation in the Shout Box. :)

  14. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 89. Last week we talked about which alien races we'll be seeing in Halo Infinite, and there were many great responses. We had members wanting to see something new, or a species we've previously encountered in past games. One thing was certain though, the Covenant is gone and there shouldn't be any more factions, at least nothing big enough to be seen in the games. Click here to view the last poll, 88. What's your favourite Covenant species? Be it the masterminds we know as the Prophets, or the warriors that led for so long which we call the Elites, the Covenant has had many species. Some may appear more effective than others, but we know they all have their strengths and weaknesses. The Covenant's clearly the most impressive empire to have ever existed after the Forerunners were wiped out, and one reason for that is its policy of absorbing species. All started with the Prophets and Elites, then along the way they picked up the Hunters, Grunts, and others. With an ancient history and one hell of a roster, the Covenant has been comprised of various species. Which do you like most? I know there are many Elite fans out there, but you find the same with Brutes, Jackals, and other species. What's your favourite Covenant species? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  15. Welcome to the community, it's great to have you here.
  16. Hi everyone, Spartan here with Site Poll 88. Last week we talked about the likelihood of Blue Team being in Halo Infinite. On the whole, the community thinks we will see Blue Team, but whether they'll be playable or not isn't clear to us. Click here to view the last poll, 87. What alien races will be in Halo Infinite? Despite all the talk about Halo Infinite, I am yet to hear discussion about which species will show up. It's almost certain we'll see Sangheili (Elites), but how about the Yanme'e (Drones) or even the Huragok (Engineers)? Cortana broadcasted to pretty much the whole Galaxy, right? We know the Unggoy (Grunts) are siding with her. In this case, where there's no order, all species of Jackal will go to piracy, as they have always done. We shouldn't see them ally themselves with Cortana, but it's not surprising for there to be a few individuals who would join a mercenary group. The Jiralhanae (Brutes) would most likely not be seen, unless some join Cortana. Issue with them is they really are scattered all over the place, so it's unlikely we'll find some major Brute faction, the Banished were the best there'll ever be unless they all unite. Then there are some other minority species, such as the Yonhet and Sharquoi. With Cortana trying to get all buddy-buddy with every race, and many others opposing her, what alien races do you think we'll be seeing in Halo Infinite? A few familiar faces from previous games/media, or even something entirely new? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  17. Welcome to the community :)

  18. Hi everyone, Spartan here with site poll #87. Last week I asked which armour unlock system you'd like to see in Halo Infinite, and the consensus came to Reach's system, with aspects of Halo 3/4's unlcok requirements. There were many great posts, and what made them even better was the suggestion of bringing back the Vidmaster challenges. Click here to view the last poll, #86. Will we see Blue Team again in Halo Infinite? To be honest, there's actually no confirmation (yet) that Blue Team will be in Halo Infinite. Did 343 saying that Infinite will focus on Chief, mean Blue Team will also be cut out the picture? Having them in Halo 5 was great, and needed at one point or another, but was that just a one time thing? Blue Team will be essential in the fight against Cortana, whether we see them in the game or they head back to the books is yet to be confirmed. Do you think we'll see them again, or not? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Spartan out.
  19. We're just having casual discussion and theorising from what we've seen so far, looking forward to the conversations we'll have when more information's released.
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