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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Clannad Visual Novel coming in English. :D

    1. Azaxx


      What you mean? I already have it in English

  2. I vote Ash as well. She's already got one vote on her, so why not add a little more, right? Ignore pro-town BATMAN, you're doing the right thing by voting Ash.
  3. Say 'U wot m8? Wanna fite?' to anyone in the SB. Screenshot the evidence and post in thread.
  4. True. Do you like racing games? If yes, what are your favourites? You might want to give a length of time for this dare.
  5. I have no set ideas yet. What's your favourite colour?
  6. The saddest anime you've seen (apart from Clannad)?
  7. I hope you're happy to hear that there will be a new Angel Beats! OVA being released June 24. Truth.
  8. I'll take a truth or a dare, who ever posts next chooses which one I take.
  9. I still think that was a bad move. If you went for my recommended target we'd be one step ahead. All in good time Bnus, all in good time.
  10. I only played 4 games yesterday, so I still have a lot to experience. I love the way this beta plays. It looked no where near as good as it plays. I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed the few games I played. I'm impressed with some of the abilities I tried out, the new controls layout is great. I love the new ADS system. It makes the game-play so much better. Halo 5's Multiplayer beta has more of a 'futuristic' feel to it. It feels more real, and is a great way to simulate real military combat. From what I've played so far, I'm impressed. Halo can make a huge comeback.
  11. New Angel Beats! OVA coming out June 24 2015!!!

  12. Truth. Have you ever tried J-Rock? It's real good. If you don't mind me asking, was it a lethal knife stab?
  13. It's 3. Me Grif, and Santa have vote Yoshi. The Mafia 9.0 Sign Up thread has been written up and is ready to go as soon as this game is over.
  14. Sleeping Dogs. It's probably not considered the best out of what I've played, but it's my personal favourite when it comes to free-roam games. Amazing combat, great features, new experiences, beautiful scenery, and good plot and characters. ToD?
  15. Why thank you. That is true about my vote for Connor, but I believe I should take a more confronting approach from now on. If it means I'll lose any secrecy I have, then so be it. I thought it was about time I gave up my act of innocence, and showed my true colours. Yoshi - 3 Blake - 4 Santa - 0 Bnus - 1
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