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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I wasn't asking, I was offering. There is nothing wrong with what I offered. The Neutral roles may choose which side they want to support. I offered them safety and secrecy if they choose to support us mafians.
  2. Hell yeah I'm a mafian! I would like to thank Axilus Prime for actually considering that there was no evidence about me being a mafian before this was confirmed by the Detective. Probably the most reasonable pro-town this game for, thinking about the possibility of me not being a mafian. Sorry buddy, but I'm not on your side this game. If anyone has anything they'd like to negotiate with the mafians to end this game with our victory, please feel free to throw me a PM. We can ensure your safety (not sure about pro-town negotiators), and will not reveal that you are in contact with us. This goes out to you Neutral roles who want to survive. We'd happily keep you alive if you co-operate with us. I vote Yoshi.
  3. What would you do if Assault Rifles were removed from Halo?
  4. Not yet, we still need to wait for the lynching. You'll get your bloodshed eventually, don't worry.
  5. Welcome Locke, nice to have you here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  6. I'll go for a dare this time. What's your favourite Halo game?
  7. I'm pretty sure it's only civilians, unconfirmed one. It says on the first page. Aww, I'm sorry. Delpen9 - 5 BATMAN - 0 Ash - 0 The Director - 0
  8. No, I don't. However, I see no reason for you to vote yourself.
  9. Why? Delpen has been confirmed the mafian don by the Detective.
  10. Merry Christmas everyone. :)

  11. I picked up Red vs Blue a long time ago. Ever since then I had been interested in RT, mainly in RvB. When I knew there was an anime (Americanised) being made by RT, I knew I had to watch it. The plot, combat, and characters from the first volume really drew me in. ToD?
  12. Naming a celebrity is not in violation of any rules.
  13. So I went to France a few years ago, and apparently it's normal there to eat Beef tongue. I had it, and it was actually really nice, surprisingly. Would make a good roast. Truth or dare?
  14. Finished Battlefield 4's campaign. That ending left me wanting much more. Short campaign, but I really liked it.

    1. rrhuntington


      It was the first game I was ever surprised at how short it was. I was like "Wow, that's it"

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Same, it finished far too quickly. Nothing like BF3's campaign.

  15. Fair enough. Some people like to ignore that though.
  16. Have you ever taken a Martial Art?
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