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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Clothing that wasn't even my size. Truth or Dare?
  2. Nice convo you had there. Truth.
  3. Nope, but I think you're real cute. Hmm, I dare you to have a conversation with yourself for 2 minutes straight in the Shoutbox. Sound good?
  4. I finally finished this brand new RWBY AMV:

    Thanks to Jack of Harts for creating the outro!
  5. Why is that? I don't see what you've got against me. I couldn't care less about being in the PM, could be full of unknown mafians anyway. I just don't see why you so easily trust others but have a grudge against me. Edit: I withdraw my vote. @Ledgend: Here is the message that influenced me to vote for you at first. I now know that you aren't a mafian. Which side are you aiding?
  6. I vote for Ledgend on behalf of the dead pro-towners.
  7. I'm stuck between voting Hunt or Ledgend. Someone's gotta convince me who to vote, or I'm staying silent another round. Every round so far has been a shot in the dark. It can only get easier from here though, so that's good. Thank you.
  8. And yet I don't receive an apology? No idea why you've got a grudge against me all of a sudden. I'm honestly not surprised, especially by the way he's been acting. Just wait until the next lynch list he shows up in. Because he was targeted by the sniper.
  9. You did not at all state that you're done with it, you continued it further. Anything else you'd like to say?
  10. You're killing the discussion because you know I have several true points, you just don't want to admit it. No need to be immature about the matter.
  11. Sounds good. You realise what you said makes no sense? You brought something out of no where, I can't make any sense of what you have typed. How have I escalated things? I gave you a full detailed response earlier, you haven't countered one point. Is it because you can't? If you can, then go ahead.
  12. The fact that you're getting included doesn't really help you. You're speaking as if you are innocent. Why get included in something that has nothing to do with you? I had a valid point in what you called a 'quarrel'. There's no need for you to intervene in something that hasn't even escalated. I'm pretty sure it's up tomorrow, considering we had one up just yesterday. I've got no problem with it being up today though.
  13. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year buddy! Looking forward to your return.
  14. Looking over at all the content included with Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, I just noticed that there is a LOT to offer. All DLC provides so many more hours of entertainment.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      wait, you didn't know?

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I had no idea there was this much extra content.

  15. You seem a little too overprotective, as if you are exaggerating your care for him because he was pro-town. A mafian attempting to act as a civvie is easy to spot if you watch what they say. A real civvie would treat a dead one normally, and with trust. You seems eager to defend him, trying to show you are innocent. I simply just reminded him that he wasn't confirmed innocent before. You are picking up on something that is pointless to use it as a way of showing you are an innocent, which you may not be. I'm not saying you are a mafian, but you should watch what you say to avoid raising any suspicion. Next time you appear on the list, I think I've got an idea on who to vote for. Thanks.
  16. It will be a far better list. There has to be at least one mafian on every list, this time there may even be two.
  17. Banned for complicating the situation. How was it continued? *Smile
  18. Why? Yup, now you are confirmed innocent. You weren't before.
  19. First, I didn't start voting for you, I joined in after a few others. Second, I withdrew my vote. Third, what evidence do I have that you are innocent? Well I don't like you either, so we're good.
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