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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Ahhh, innocent again. Great, full of action... Mafians, feel free to kill me of ASAP.
  2. Unfortunately, I think they've lost interest in their loyal fans, they seem to no longer care. I believe they did when they first left Halo, but now they seem to not even look back on the past. New members of Bungie are changing it, it's no longer the Bungie we all knew and loved. At least 343 Industries remains to be committed to their fans.
  3. Amazing! This needs more attention. So now we know Agent Locke is out to hunt down Chief, didn't seem like that in E3. Maybe Thel gets him to change his mind, or it was meant to suggest something else. Amazing graphics, looks beautiful. Can't wait to see more of where this is going. #E32015
  4. Congrats Hunt! This is well deserved, enjoy your month.
  5. Cortana: "Mafia, it's finished?" Chief: "No, I think it's just getting started."
  6. Nice catch, I was being sarcastic in-case you hadn't noticed. Although I didn't notice it being a spambot, nice catch again. Now that, is 'tactical thinking'.
  7. Yup, UndeadArby pretty much covered that. We play as both Locke and the Chief, but Thel has not yet been confirmed. He could be a second player though, like in Halo 3.
  8. Most members seem to get the hang of it after joining, we all did fine with that description. If anyone is a little confused or lost with it, someone can simply explain to them. No need to change the descriptions in my opinion.
  9. Caboose, that's completely unrealistic. She'd suffer from a concussion, then get 360 no-scoped.
  10. Yang 'gave me permision' (*wink wink*) to write up the scene. It was a dark night. Rue was walking through the gloomy streets of 343i City. All of a sudden Delpen and Self Destruct jumped out of a window and 360 no-coped Rue in the head. Delpen yelled at Self Destruct for stealing his kill, so Self Destruct quick scoped him in the face. Rue - Innocent - Deaded Dellpen - Unknown - Deaded
  11. To me it looks like you are talking about the game only, not the story. Here's what I think. Halo 3 was a bigger, more loved game overall by Halo fans. It had an unforgettable campaign and a new multiplayer experience. It was definitely something to remember. Halo: Reach on the other hand, was a completely new experience for Halo in general. AAs, many more forge options, older storyline, newer characters. It was also Bungie's final Halo game, meaning it held a high place for sentimental value. It was what Bungie had always wanted to make and was their final effort on Halo. Now gameplay-wise, Halo: Reach was more advanced and had a smoother multiplayer experience. It had a wider variety of weapons, abilities, and vehicles to use than Halo 3. Halo 3's multiplayer had a nostalgic effect on me, first time playing it I was so hyped. Halo 3 without a doubt had a better ranking system. The Armour in halo 3 also felt more valuable compared to Halo: Reach for me, most likely because there weren't as many sets and earning each piece was a satisfying and sometimes challenging accomplishment. Halo 3's campaign had an amazing storyline that continued the Master Chief's story and left us with a stunning cliff-hanger. Halo: Reach's campaign was definitely interesting and backed us up on Reach's story, which is always great for our lore knowledge. I don't think either game is really 'better' than the other. I can't make a final decision because they both balance each other out with better factors than the other. If I had to make a choice between the two, I may end up saying Halo 3 because of my enjoyment whilst playing it, although I had ended up playing Reach more.
  12. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum.

  13. That would then be a completely different game, it wouldn't be Halo: Reach the game. Not a bad idea, but this was about Halo: Reach and ODST making making a return, not another possible game.
  14. Sweet. I really enjoyed collecting all these skulls, looking forward to doing it with remastered graphics. Great work Turkey Destruct. Keep up the good news.
  15. Exactly. Very well said. This is why I'd hold my vote until confident, not make false assumptions and risk lynching an innocent.
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