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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I'm not one of those people that hated Spartan Ops, I actually quite liked it. A Season 2 would seem expectable and I'd like to see it continue, but that is something that the Campaign can easily dea with. Spartan Ops seems like a Halo 4.5, a bridge between Halo 4 and 5, it may only be a one time thing. I wouldn't mind seing a sequel though, but most people I know would prefer for Firefight to return and replace it.
  2. If P34nut is innocent, then we've narrowed down three more people that aren't. Looking forward to seeing our results.
  3. Happy Birthday for yesterday! :D Sorry for being late.

  4. How much longer until the lynching?
  5. I see where you got that from.
  6. Yesterday, one day after it's release, Destiny became a record breaker by raking in a whopping $632 million! Activision, the game's publisher, announced that they had exceeded 500 million US Dollars and that this "marks another blockbuster success" for their company. They were confident from the start that all the hard work they had put into Destiny would pay off. The game currently sells at $60, and special editions with higher prices are also available for purchase. Although Destiny pulled through with high numbers, there are some in the industry that still credit Halo for being the game to build on the Xbox's success. So what do you think? Will you be buying Destiny any time soon? If you already have, do you think it's as good as it was said to be? Source: http://www.straitstimes.com/digital-life/more-digital-life-stories/story/halo-creators-new-video-game-destiny-makes-632m-debut-2
  7. Will RNG be used if the votes are even?
  8. Sorry, meant the lynching. I already voted for P34nut. Thinking about changing to Bnus, but I might as well stay on my vote and get the show on the road.
  9. My vote goes to the Battle Rifle. I prefer it's play style over the DMR. I also enjoy using it more in Campaign and Firefight, not only Multiplayer. Now don't get me wrong, the Designated Marksman Rifle is a great weapon, extremely effective, but I personally prefer the BR. The DMR isn't really the best up close and you'll get easily taken down against an enemy with a BR or AR if they're good enough. The Battle Rifle is great for close to medium range and can still do some damage at a far distance, although not as much as the DMR. Final solution: Battle Rifle.
  10. Is voting tonight or tomorrow night?
  11. My vote remains on P34nut. Is the lynching tonight? Edit: Is the lynching tomorrow night?
  12. Oh yeah, I still keep my vote.
  13. I vote P34nut, I have no evidence but if it isn't rrhuntington I want to make we at least reveal one other player's position. If they are both innocent then we have a mafian narrowed down.
  14. I like the design of the Halo 4 pelican, minus the cannon on top of it. The Pelican is for troop transport, but I guess some are combat equipped too. I love the Pelican, but I prefer the ones in older Halo games. I still think that the one in Halo 4 looks good though. The turrets on the side remind me of the Falcon. I just think that the cannon on top looks really out of place though.
  15. Axilus, you've got a point about testing the list, but is this really the way to do this? Treating someone who may be innocent as a test subject? Ledgend, I feel like I want to shoot you after all those times I hear 'Kill me! I'm a mafian!'. What's the vote list looking like at the moment?
  16. We get the voice actors of our favourite Master Chief and 343 Guilty Spark to share their views on several topics including: The Cortana App, Halo Movies, Marty O'Donell being fired from Bungie, Master Chief's emotions in Halo 5, and the difference between working for 343 Industries and Bungie. Take a look for yourself: Source: http://halo4nation.com/other/dragoncon2014-interview-with-steve-downes-and-tim-dadabo/ Thanks to Self Destruct for kindly providing me with this News.
  17. This looks interesting, I still haven't planned on voting yet though. I may just leave things to see how they go, not enough evidence to vote anyone yet.
  18. Nice work on the testing. I would personally think that the SAW is better overall. True, the Suppressor is extremely effective up close, but I would by far rather choose the SAW. It's great at short and mid-range. It's accuracy is also far better than the Suppressor's. The Suppressor's rounds go everywhere when fired at a target mid to far-range.
  19. I may have suggested that it isn't rrhuntington, but I still haven't voted for anyone else. I may put my vote in tomorrow, can't tell on who yet.
  20. Nooo! Jailkeeper! I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that it's not rrhuntington. I just feel like he's innocent. No idea about the other three suspects, so I won't vote for now. But I feel as if rrhuntington is innocent.
  21. I'm not really crazy about forge, but I like to make a map from time to time and see what amazing ideas people can come up with. I'd like to possibly see Forge World return, I know many others would. We need aircrafts to return, like really badly. I'd like all the main things that have always been in forge to stay. We should be seeing any new weapons/vehicles come up too. If BTB is ever expanded, we could have bigger maps to play with. Maybe add some more special effects similar to 0 gravity.
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