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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. First we have Elite armour being shown, and now we have Spartan Armour! What do you think? I think the Halo 2: Anniversary model looks amazing. The two squares look like armour colour customisiation to me. Obviously there may still be some changes being made, bit I'm really looking forward to rocking these armour sets. It also seems that they have brought stances from Halo 4 back. Which armour set are you looking forward to getting back into? Edit: More images!
  2. Congrats on 2 years! Here's to another two.
  3. Thanks. Seemed to have forgot about that.
  4. Hey everyone. So I'm thinking of hosting a MoM event on Destiny on the Xbox One. I'll be getting my Xbox One in about a week and Destiny a few days after it's release. I'll be packing away my Xbox 360 because of a lack of space in my room. This leaves me with two options. I can either A. Host an Event on Destiny on the Xbox One, or B. Host an Event on any Halo game this weekend. This weekend leaves little time and would be rushed, but an Event on Destiny on the Xbox gives more time. I'm not sure how many people will be getting Destiny on the Xbox one though. So vote in the poll and comment below to see how this will all turn out. Thank you. - Blake BellaMoMa
  5. I've only got issue 1. I've spent a long time trying to find issue 2 but I can't find it within a reasonable price. Is $20 for issue 2 a rip-off? Seems like it to me... Anyway, how does this prove anything?
  6. Ranger Intel


    From the album: My Anime Profile Pictures/Signatures

    Thanks to Jack of Arts for creating this new Signature.
  7. As most of you mentioned, this will look better when actually playing the game ourselves. Thanks.
  8. Is the first scene tomorrow night?
  9. It would also be a little tough for the mafians because there is a jail keeper +2 civvies. How about 1 of the newcomers in a civvie, and the other a mafian?
  10. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it. I've sorta ran out of likes for the day... I've got no idea about that MoM wish though...ideas anyone?
  11. That means more civvies, right? Would this make it harder for the mafians? Or can the two new joiners also be mafians?
  12. Welcome to the forum Dreadnought. You'll love it here.
  13. Cute? I'd rather stick to fish. Just make sure you don't lose it, okay? It won't be so cute when it's climbing up your face when your sleeping...
  14. I've only played that once on PS2 and even though I do not really care for it, I'll say yes because I'm sure many PlayStation gamers would enjoy it. Are you going to get Destiny on Xbox One?
  15. The difficulty should only depend on what you set it to. They have made no changes to affect the difficulty of the game so all should be good.
  16. Event Management received their own colour.
  17. So 343 have shown us what the Halo 3 Campaign will look like during PAX. What are your thoughts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62t55zbZPxY ​I don't see a major difference but it definitely looks better. To me it looks clearer and smoother than how the original game was. The lighting and framerate was clearly improved. They didn't change anything in the game itself but definitely made it nice to look at. Will you be playing Halo 3's Campaign again when Halo: MCC is released? What do you think of the slight improvements made?
  18. I personally think that Big Team Battle should be expanded to 12 against 12. Not a major difference, but it definitely changes things. It's called Big Team Battle so the Teams may as well be big. This may mean bigger maps as well. It could almost be similar to how Battlefield is. Many players and huge maps. More players means more action, and more action is always great.
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