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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I don't see why he'd even bother lying. There isn't much of a point anymore. Even if he is lying about being a medic, it's still likely that he's not a mafian. And is there anyone else who's innocent and still alive that you believe is the medic?
  2. There's no reason to be 'happy' after being betrayed even after giving evidence that I wasn't a mafian. So voting out two mafians makes me sound like a mafian. Explain. I'm pretty sure Axilus is innocent. Explains why you were so quiet.
  3. Long review, I didn't read the whole thing but it looks like you put a lot of effort into this...or copy and pasted it all. Nice work DarkAngel.
  4. At least you saw the truth clearer than most others.
  5. Look at the colours I took this from a post DarkAngel made, thanks DarkAngel. It shows a good variety of different shades that may not have been used yet.
  6. I guess some people are just too ignorant and stubborn. And no, that was not at all an honourable death. It was a death full of betrayal. It wasn't an accident, I'm sure you were confident that I was a civilian over DarkAngel. And DarkAngel, you were pretty obvious from the start.
  7. I don't think you see the point. The point is, you can save another civilian life. Frankenzer's death was infuriating. It was completely unnecessary. I've got even more proof than he had and you're still keen on killing me. I believe that you know that i'm more likely to be innocent, but you don't want to admit it. You had no problem with me before, why now? I ask Bnus the same question.
  8. Bnus, your seeming to be a real pain in the *ss right now. You, Ledgend, and Delpen should know out of all people that I'm innocent. Delpen seems to be the only one to realise. And Ledgend, what are you? Bnus' puppet? Check through the thread and look at my votes. I voted out P34nut, a mafian. I was also planning on voting Caboose, and those of you in the PM thread know I was defending Frankenzer. What has DarkAngel done for the innocents, huh? Bnus/Ledgend/Axilus, you seem to have no care at all for any civilians dying. You're happy as long as you find out, no matter who dies. Why take down a civie and a murder when you can only take down the murderer? I've given you good evidence.
  9. If you haven't got Gold Membership, comment on this status to win 3 days free Gold. First comment gets it. Only comment if you DO NOT have Gold membership.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      The black market, duh.

    3. Rue
    4. Frankenzer


      I have a cousin who doesn't have gold. i've been giving him my free stuff and i think he'll appreciate another 3 day membership.

  10. The in-game A.I? Marines always driving Warthog. They always drive you off the map into a lake and get your killed. They sometimes tend to fall of the map. They think walking up rocky mountains actually works. They like to fire at enemies, but usually miss.
  11. Thank you. And to think, I defended you. I defended you too...wow, can't really trust anyone I guess. Good choice, but you are unfortunately dead.
  12. You also have to be far more accurate with the Fuel Rod Cannon to get that one-rod-kill. If the angle isn't good enough, it'll just bounce away. If you aren't close enough, you may not kill the enemy. Rocket Launcher rockets do not bounce and have a far bigger impact radius, as you mentioned. Besides the amount of shots fired before reloading, Rocket Launcher dominates. One advantage the Fuel Rods have over the Rockets in Halo Lore, is that the Fuel Rods have plasma around them when fired so the can burn any enemy's that are too close as it passes. Not strong enough to kill them, but could do some serious hurt. We are discussing points in-game though so this wouldn't really be a point to discuss.
  13. This is actually kind of true. Here's an interesting fact: A kid once piloted an aircraft. How did he know how to? He played a lot of flight simulator games. Genius kid, thanks to games.
  14. If that's true, then I've seen it many times in films/games before...but I still love the idea. This tactic is a very common but clever thing. Gaining control by getting rid of the current leader/leaders without alerting public attention. Just like what happens in Contact Harvest with the Prophets, except this time there's going to be death to the leader/leaders.
  15. By killing another ambassador using terrorists and taking his place?
  16. XD I noticed the same thing, he's just one of those stock characters. Is that what you call them? Those generic characters that are used again and again so the animator doesn't have to create a different character design every time. PLOT TWIST: The old man running the business is actually leading every evil force. #SawThatComing
  17. XD I would've never came up with that.
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