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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. I got a new Halo MV up:

    What do you think?
    1. Fishy


      Looks really nice. Only problem I had was the actual lyrics. An instrumental would've sounded better imo. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it.

    2. Ranger Intel
  2. Um, is this to be rescheduled or completely cancelled? We need closure.
  3. What I think will happen is that it'll be something completely different to the flood. It's stated to be some sort of an element. I would like to see the flood return, they'll return anyway. They can't all be eradicated. I'm not so sure about seeing them return in Halo: Nightfall though. I'd like to and expect to see something new in Halo: Nightfall, or something that isn't necessarily new, but not the flood.
  4. Today marks the 100th year after the beginning of the Great War, also known as World War 1. There were 37 million casualties in World War 1, Military and Civilian. Those soldiers died for us. We may not even be here right now if it weren't for them. It doesn't matter whether these soldiers were British, German, American, Italian, Austrian, Russian, French, Belgian, or anything. They all fought to protect their country, and their country's people. No matter who these soldiers were or where they were from, they all suffered. Some never even wanted to join the military. Four long years. Four long, bloody years this war lasted. Eventually these soldiers didn't even know what they were fighting for. They all deserve our respect. We should all be grateful for their courage. They all thought it would be over by Christmas, but they had no idea what this was going to be like. Most of them didn't enlist to go through all of this. They were clueless, almost even innocent. Some people thought it would be fun to join up. They were overwhelmed by patriotism and "fighting for their country", they did...and most died. They were put in trenches and stuck with horrible conditions. They had little food, water, and basic sanitary needs. Many people today take these things for granted, these soldiers had no choice but to carry on, they couldn't just go AWOL. They continued to strive through the toughest conditions, they would have fought until the death to ensure safety for their country. In the end, was it all worth it? Was the death of one man enough to cause an entire World War? Many of the soldiers didn't even hate their opposition, they were just following orders. In the end we're all human, right? These brave soldiers today are now resting in peace. May they always be remembered for their bravery. Thank you for your service soldiers, R.I.P.
  5. Now this is the final date change. I know I've said it before, but this is it...for real: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/35489-sparky-and-spartans-event-of-mass-destruction/page-2

  6. Ummmm, about the 2nd, yeah that's not really a good date either. Final, and I mean final, date change to 9th August. Same time. Thanks.
  7. I would, but in Europe we get it on the 14th.
  8. I agree with Boss, a little longer Chapters. I understand it's hard for the writer to keep producing Chapters, especially when they're busy, but I'd personally wait longer if necessary for a longer chapter. What I'd like to see? Well it's all up to the writer to decide what'll happen next. I don't think the readers should interfere with the story. If I could make a suggestion though, I'd say more detail on the combat. Use detailed descriptive sentences to explain what the combat is like. Whenever I'm watching combat footage, like some scenes from Red vs Blue or an action scene from a movie for example, I like to rewind and replay moments to see how the combat plays out. Like how people escape a hold or take out their enemy. Try watching some Martial Arts footage to help write about how someone deals with the terrorists in this series. The Halo books do a good job at that, considering you've read them, you should know what I mean.
  9. Hey everyone. This thread is for all of you to post Halo Music Videos that you've created or found and thought looked great. Have this awesome Halo Music Video you want to share? This is the place to do so. Lets try keep content clean, minimum use of foul language in music/songs. Thank you. I created and uploaded this a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Don't forget about Boss' Event today everyone.

  11. Ardent, thank god for posting this. Some of the most beautiful footage I've ever seen. Thanks for the clear explanation Bnus. Does anyone know if the cutscenes in-game will look like this. Obviously not the actual gameplay, but the cutscenes.
  12. Woah, so this is what you meant by telling me to check your status earlier on today. Honestly, I strongly agree with Sparky. I don't know what happened but I wouldn't expect you to leave over something small. I'll definitely continue to see you online, but apart from FB, this is my main are to connect with you and everyone else on the forum. I really wouldn't expect someone as dedicated as you are to leave. Please take your time to think this through, PM me if there's anything you want to say. I'll see you online, but I won't say goodbye.
  13. Loving the Destiny Beta. Glad it no longer requires a code.

  14. Hell yeah. Will you be getting Destiny on Xbox One?
  15. Things are getting interesting with Butch and Ardent. Hopefully the next chapter will be more progressive. Nice work.
  16. Don't forget about Boss' Event in two days everyone: http://343i.org/23d

  17. It's tomorrow. Real hyped. Anyone know what time?
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