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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Looks interesting. Curious to see what's happening next. I understand you may be busy, but I'd personally recommend having the Chapters longer, even if that means you can't get as many out. It's more efficient and harder to get lost when you have very few long chapters. They'll keep us entertained and on track. Nice work.
  2. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. You'll love it here. Have a great stay and ask one of the Community's friendly Members if you're ever unsure of anything.
  3. This sounds great! Answering easy questions and helping out people at the same time! Signed up and answering now.
  4. I've had some free time recently and I've managed to create up with this video:

    I'd really appreciate it if you can check it out. Thanks.
    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That was a really cool vid. Only issue was that "remember where it all began" kinda threw things off since that line was meant to be a conclusion type thing in the vid you took it from.

  5. I still have a few Defiant Map Pack Achievements that I need, but I have Karate on Fridays. How long will Friday's Event last? It's likely that I'll make it to Saturday's Event. Sign me up.
  6. Sucks to hear you're leaving. You were an extremely active Member here and this forum needs people like you. I hope the stress doesn't hit you too hard. Good luck buddy. Hope to see you return. I guess it's Time To Say Goodbye: -Blake
  7. GSD secretly runs the Military...you just don't know it yet.
  8. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum.

  9. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  10. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  11. I've got a strong feeling that there are going to be so many Events when Halo: Master Chief Collection is released. Looking forward to them.

    1. Cooliest
    2. Guts


      And none hosted by me

  12. If I put together a video and credit the song artist for the music and Bungie/343i for the footage in the description of the video, is that safe to be uploaded to the channel? Do the credits have to be in the video itself or can they be placed the the Video Description below?
  13. The second one is what I was talking about. It looks far better and as Ledgend said, it's easier to read. It clearly shows who is saying what and flows well.
  14. Hmmm, this is getting real interesting. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. Just something I'd say to improve the structure, start a new line when someone else is speaking. Example "sdkjfnalskmdPOmgfjloei4j" he said. "lsejfhelkwjfbn;kljnfdaoi" she replied. It makes the structure more professional, as if you're reading from a book. Besides that, I'm loving it so far. Keep it up. You could also separate it into sections or chapters by number. Like Part 1, Part 2, etc. This is so people don't lose where they are if they've missed out on anything.
  15. This was actually when they were six. And they had to run that mile many, many times. As Caboose showed, Spartan-IIIs were trained to be better. Their training was unique and more effective than the Spartan-IVs because it was tougher. The Spartan-IIIs were ready for anything and didn't have anywhere near as many emotions as Spartan-IVs would. You say it doesn't prove anything, but maybe it would if you actually check Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Company's augmentations, especially Gamma Company's. They are better overall than Spartan-IVs in pretty much every factor. I see your point about the augmentations for intelligence with the Spartan-IIs, and you are correct, but they were stilled trained very well mentally as well as physically. Most of their intelligence was taught to them, not augmented into their brains. The Chief could calculate easily because of his Helmet's Visor and he was trained with this part of Physics. No, the numbers did not at all bother me, I was just saying so. About only Noble Team having MJOLNIR Mark-V armour, I'm confident that you're wrong about that. Last time I read, all Spartan-IIIs were issued MJLONIR Mark-IV Armour during the Fall of Reach to support the war effort. Although SPI Armour can be useful because of it's camouflage ability, it's still detectable and not as good when you are found by your enemy. If I were to put Fireteam Majestic in Halo 4 against Noble Team in Halo: Reach, who do you think will win? (Take away any Member of Noble Team to balance the number) I'm sure that even if you take away Noble 6, Noble team will still win. Well you still haven't thrown a point back at me as to why the ODST's training is on par with the Spartan-IIs. You can still prove me wrong because I think that the Spartan-IIs have more intense, rougher, and tougher training. I gave my evidence about that on the last page, now give me yours if you would like to continue. Note: I'm not trying to sound aggressive or anything, I'm just countering anything I disagree with.
  16. Who would like Dual Wielding Energy Sword in Halo 2 Anniversary? Do you think it's a great idea, or do you think it's ruin the classic experience?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Delpen9


      All kills are automatic sped-up assassinations, and running speed is increased by 25%.

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      Why have 2 when 1 will do?

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Soiled it!

      For Machinima/screenshot purposes, it would be quite an attraction.

  17. Roman Numerals are used when referring to Spartan classes. The Spartan-IIIs had tougher augmentations that made them superior to Spartan-IVs. Proof: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Project_CHRYSANTHEMUM Not all Spartan-IVs were ODSTs, and of the ones that were ODSTs, not all survived the war. Don't forget about my point of discipline and determination. Spartan-IIIs now (2557/2558) are older than just 12. They were also given Mark V MJLONIR Armour The Fall of Reach. You just say it was more intense without evidence of it. I gave my evidence, if you want to attempt to prove me wrong, give yours. Spartan-IIs were not more intelligent because of their augmentations. Spartan-IIs were genetically 'perfect' in first place. I wasn't discussing how Spartan-IVs formerly being ODSTs is off-topic, I stated that discussing the differences between the training of Spartan-IIs and ODSTs was off-topic to the title of this thread.
  18. First of all, I'd just like to say that it's Spartan-I, Spartan-II, Spartan-III, and Spartan-IV. Roman Numerals are used. Now about your opinion, I strongly disagree with one point, there is no way in hell that a Spartan-IV would beat a Spartan-III. I didn't read over everything because most of this info you posted about Spartans is common knowledge to me. Spartan-IIIs have more experience than Spartan-IVs, like what Coldfreeze was saying. They are also augmented, now these augmentations are what can give them the upper hand here. I am aware of the augmentations of Spartan-IVs, but the Spartan-IIIs had more effective augmentations which stacked with their training, especially the Spartan-IIIs of Gamma Company. Spartan-IVs lack discipline, and more importantly, determination. Spartan-IIIs are the most determined Spartan class to date, even more than the Spartan-IIs and that's a fact. Spartan-IVs aren't anywhere as well trained, and haven't been training as long. Spartan-IIIs were put under rougher conditions and are more capable overall. So about the training of ODSTs and Spartan-IIs, ODSTs have it tough, but I'm with JL and Connor Kenway on this one. Spartan-IIs were taken at the age of 6 and expected to run a mile none stop on their first day, more than once. They were scared, hungry and thirsty. They had no choice but to carry on. They had more intense training and started from a much younger age. Spartan-IIs are also far more intelligent. They were also trained mentally, not only physically. Lets not go off-topic with ODSTs now though.
  19. Name: Spartan Weapons: MA5C Assault Rifle and M6G Pistol Appearance: Sage Mark VI Armour Skills/Powers: Speed Bio: Only speaks if necessary or spoken to. Fights for justice and law. Follows orders. Military trained. Also trained in Martial Arts.
  20. Happy Bungie Day everyone.

  21. I remember you talking about this, I'll be there for a few missions.
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