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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Sorry, I won't be able to attend this Event because I don't have Borderlands 2.
  2. As JL said, Cortana in Halo: CE is still the same A.I in Halo 4, same goes for the Master Chief. Cortana becomes less bubbly and hyperactive as time passes. She improves the Chief's performance by far and they work exceptionally well as a team.
  3. This is a really good idea Mayh3m. Great post full of great Staff. You have no idea how many times I've requested this...
  4. Everybody wants to rule the world - Lorde
  5. Some speech, I have to say Boss, this is disappointing. I would've expected better of you... How dare thou speak of the colour Blue in such a way.
  6. I'll be getting it for sure, I'll be pre-ordering a couple of months before it's release. Looking real forward to this.
  7. I'm playing that as soon as it's out. Blake will kick *ss. Looking forward to making a RWBY Team for this game.
  8. Thanks to all who attended the Reach DLC Extravaganza Event.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Sorry I didn't come back. In the middle of me trying to get it back to normal I had to go do something.

  9. I think this is great! Can't wait to try out the Gungoose and I find it to be real interesting how they put the Silenced SMG in. I would've only expected the regular SMG. This is going to be an amazing multiplayer. Thanks for posting.
  10. Many others. True, Ensemble Studios did great and pulled of something really unique, but another company that's more capable can look back at Halo Wars and make it even better. Lets just hope they don't mess it up whilst trying to do so.
  11. Love it. I think the trailer looks great. Blake certainly looks bad*ss along with the rest on Team RWBY. Interested to see what Team JNPR will be like. Judging by the trailer, it looks like Team RWBY is taking matters into their own hands and are eager to fight and prevent whatever plans the enemy is coming up with. Looking real forward to watching this.
  12. I loved the original Homefront. I'm looking forward to getting the next one. Crytek really needs to pay it's employees some more money. I'm sure the employees are being reasonable.
  13. Liking this Profile Picture.

  14. I'm back from my day trip to Belgium. It was...interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Waffles? They're great there.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      they has mussels everywhere


      you missed when they celebrate winning a game in the world cup dude. nobody slept; everybody just rave

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @Connor: Lol, I see what you mean.

      @Sparky: True.

      @Meteor Storm: They sound real happy about it. ;)

  15. No, but I'd try that one day. Have you ever taken up a Martial Art?
  16. As entertaining as this is to watch, I think we're all going a little off-topic here. You all have got some great points to counter each other and I understand we all have our own opinions and viewpoints on things, but how about we just settle down and accept that this month's MoM is Vigilant Intellect.
  17. Thanks to Bnus for posting this: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36380-spartans-errr-blakes-reach-dlc-extravaganza/ Make sure you all sign up, there won't be many more good Reach DLC Events like this. Thank you.

  18. I don't know because I don't really care about football, but I'll say no. Have you ever been to Belgium?
  19. There's already a thread for this with many improvements/ideas: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36146-halo-wars-2-improvements/
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