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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. From the album: My Anime Profile Pictures/Signatures

    Blake Belladonna Signature.
  2. Ranger Intel

    Blake RWBY

    From the album: My Anime Profile Pictures/Signatures

    Blake Belladonna Profile Picture.
  3. My Halo: Contact Harvest arrived today.

    1. MasterChiefMEAN
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Spoiler: The covenant did it.

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      So you made contact?

  4. I see what you all mean, good choice. Especially because of TGFW as you mentioned. And come on, the Bots work pretty hard.
  5. Welcome to the forum Spartan-III. We'll make a great Team.
  6. This is too obvious, I'd pay each of you 100 of what ever your currency is (sucks if your currency is rupees) if a Halo Wars sequel is not released. They've hinted this too obviously. Not that I'm complaining, I love Halo Wars. I'm looking forward to this.
  7. and threw a fragmentation grenade...
  8. Great Event. I got the after party going on for another hour with Murder Mystery. Thanks to Boss for that. Enjoyed it, nice work P34nut.
  9. GSD actually created SWAT. It's in his name. GSD = Gunnery Swat Dog
  10. Sign me up. GT: Spartan 343ICF
  11. I would love to see Space Combat. It would also be interesting to see what new units they can add in and how everything would work. It'll be great to see more of the story as well. More bad*ss Spartan vs Elite scenes, depending on when it's set. But I'd put space battles near the top of my list. Possibly try something new with the ranking system as well and have new enemy A.I.s instead of always Rebels or Flood. Add some new characters to command your Military with.
  12. All Members of the Top 15 for this month need their award. Thank you.
  13. Welcome to the 343 industries Community Forum. :)

  14. May your future be full of success. Stay strong buddy and thanks for all the events you've hosted. I'll list you as M.I.A. Good luck, although you won't need it.
  15. Finally had some free tome and managed to finish Halo: Ghosts of Onyx. I will never forget that ending. I ordered Halo: Contact Harvest. Looking forward to reading it.

    1. Buns


      Im reading it right now!

    2. Buns


      I sadly haven't had as much free time to get very far but it is still really good

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