Hey everyone.
Now judging by the Topic Title, you may all be thinking "Spartan, what are you talking about? There's no way he can beat the Arbiter!", but we've seen him do it to Ripa 'Moramee in Halo Wars. I was flicking through some things about Ripa 'Moramee and a few results showed Thel 'Vadam vs Ripa 'Moramee. Many people voted Ripa 'Moramee because of his height, strength, and armour. He's taller than most Sangheili, including Thel. He's clearly incredibly strong, especially how he was still standing after being stabbed in the throat. He only really died when being stabbed with the Energy Sword, and even then he held up a bit. His armour, given to him by the San 'Shyuum, is far more advanced than the ones given to Thel. Although they don't have shields, he can still stay in active camouflage for as long as he wants, and it's also bullet-proof...like really bullet-proof. It's more advanced than the down-graded version given to Thel.
So it seems like Ripa < Sgt. Forge. What about Sergeant Forge and Thel? Only judge Thel 'Vadam at around Halo 2/Halo 3 because during Halo 4 he is much older. Do you think that Sergeant Forge, can take take Thel, like how he took Ripa? Even though Ripa is supposedly better than Thel? (Some may disagree by saying that Thel is better because he's ego isn't as big and he's more intelligent and less psychotic, but he is not as strong and as big as Ripa)
Thanks for reading.