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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. This sounds great. Good thing Halo: Broken Cycle, the new Halo novel, is coming out this year. It'll tell us more about the great schism through the Covenant's POV.
  2. Don't stop believing - Journey
  3. This is great work! Great to see you back and I'm looking forward to your future work.
  4. So the Fuel Rod which has a bigger clip, but it's damage isn't as good as a Rocket Launchers. It has a smaller blast radius and can be unreliable. E.g. When it bounces. The Rocket Launchers also have the ability to lock on which gives them more useful purposes. I prefer UNSC Weapons in general. My vote: Rocket Launcher
  5. "When in doubt, blow **** up." - Jonah

  6. Congratulations everyone and thanks to all of you for being awesome people. I'm sure that you can all achieve this honour and we you deserve to. Great list Zag.
  7. How're all you awesome people doing?

    1. Twinreaper


      Didn't know I was awesome...but I'm doin Eh...

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      i'm great thanks UNSC, how are you going?

    3. Delpen9


      I have food, water, and a place to sleep, so what do you think?


  8. The Arbiter (Thel 'Vadam) will be in Halo 5. This thread needs to be locked.
  9. Massive thanks to JXZAW for creating me a signature which will be used in the near future. :)

    1. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      You're welcome, sir.

    2. HIWBC


      Yeah new sig swag bro :D!

  10. Congratulations on becoming a Dedicated Member! :D

    1. Delpen9


      Congratulation on being indoctrinated! :D

  11. It was originally a week earlier but I received a message from a Member of Staff telling me that date was occupied. This date is free and gives me and Sparky time to prepare. I was also really busy recently.
  12. I only do weekends (until Summer) so I won't be making it. Better time though. You may want to give a lot of time for your Events and advertise it to get more Members attending.
  13. Great points guys. I see what you all mean by how Ripa's foolishness and ego helped get him killed. How he likes to toy with his enemy. Sergeant Forge was focused. He is also a great soldier. That's a pretty good point. I still always thought that no matter how good of a soldier he is, he's still human. In this is situation though, he would have his Combat Knife. So how about now we discuss who would win between Thel and Ripa? Situation: Both have two Energy Swords but do not have to use them both. They can use both, one, or none. They are in a plain flat landscape with no weather or obstacles or anything.
  14. I mean if he were still alive. So you're saying he got a cheap kill?
  15. Hey everyone. Now judging by the Topic Title, you may all be thinking "Spartan, what are you talking about? There's no way he can beat the Arbiter!", but we've seen him do it to Ripa 'Moramee in Halo Wars. I was flicking through some things about Ripa 'Moramee and a few results showed Thel 'Vadam vs Ripa 'Moramee. Many people voted Ripa 'Moramee because of his height, strength, and armour. He's taller than most Sangheili, including Thel. He's clearly incredibly strong, especially how he was still standing after being stabbed in the throat. He only really died when being stabbed with the Energy Sword, and even then he held up a bit. His armour, given to him by the San 'Shyuum, is far more advanced than the ones given to Thel. Although they don't have shields, he can still stay in active camouflage for as long as he wants, and it's also bullet-proof...like really bullet-proof. It's more advanced than the down-graded version given to Thel. So it seems like Ripa < Sgt. Forge. What about Sergeant Forge and Thel? Only judge Thel 'Vadam at around Halo 2/Halo 3 because during Halo 4 he is much older. Do you think that Sergeant Forge, can take take Thel, like how he took Ripa? Even though Ripa is supposedly better than Thel? (Some may disagree by saying that Thel is better because he's ego isn't as big and he's more intelligent and less psychotic, but he is not as strong and as big as Ripa) Thanks for reading.
  16. Boss' Back in Action Event was great. :) Nice work Boss.

  17. Liking the new Profile Picture. :)

    1. Akali


      Thanks Spartan :)

  18. This is a tough question that I may never be able to answer.
  19. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  20. Halo: Broken Circle has been announced! It's a new book that's going to be released on the 4th of November his year and will tell us more about how the Covenant broke up in the point of view of a Team made up of Sangheili. Some about a prophet as well. Search it up and read more. This will be amazing.

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