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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Tests done. Finally.

    1. Buns


      Hope you did well.

    2. Ranger Intel
  2. Got my last test today. Can't wait to get it out of the way. Should be easy, I did more than enough revision. See you all later.

  3. One word: Sweet. Nice work Director. Seems like two massive milestones.
  4. One more Test which is on Friday and I'm done. Math Calculator Test...

    1. Akali
    2. Sikslik7


      Get out your Ti-84


  5. Great post Twin and Welcome to all of you new Members!
  6. Test Week. Luckily I found my Non-Calculator Math Test really easy today. I've still got my English and Science tomorrow, then Calculator Math on Friday. Time to go revise soon...

    1. HIWBC


      Good Luck :D.

    2. Akali


      For the calculator math test you don't even need it much so you will be fine if you did good with the non-calculator

    3. Ranger Intel
  7. Loved the Event A Lone Renegade...uummm, I mean P34nut. Great fun.
  8. An achievements for Halo: MCC has been announced. To earn it you must complet the Master Chief saga (Halo: CE to Halo 4), but the description is to sit through 65 hours worth of Halo Campaign. This was announced in an interview with Frank O'Connor.

    1. rrhuntington


      Oh just go to the first mission of Halo 3 and just sit there for 65 hours.

    2. Guts


      Take a stroll in every mission.

  9. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  10. Passed my Karate Grading.

  11. I really need a GMT friendly Halo: Reach DLC Event. If any of you are free to host one, I'll be there.

    1. Buns


      PM me and I will make it happen

  12. This is exactly what I need. One problem, I won't be able to come because the time is horrible for GMT. 12:30 AM...
  13. What are the 1v1/2v2 Heads Up Tournaments?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr Biggles

      Mr Biggles

      a long time ago back in the forum.


      Was fun times.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      It was a tournament we held back on Reach in early-mid 2012. We might be running it again at some point :)

    4. Ranger Intel
  14. I'm up for some Halo: Reach DLC Achievements (Defiant and Anniversary), and ODST's 200k ones. GT: Spartan 343ICF
  15. Congratulations again! Enjoy your purpleness.
  16. Now this, I can't believe. How could you do this to us?! We've been through so much! I would've never expected you to step down. You have hosted some of the best Events I've had during my time here. It's a real shame to not have anymore Ninja vs Forum Events to look forward to. You've hosted Events with some great Game Modes and some unbelievable Maps, you know I loved that RAF one. I want to also give you a massive thanks for making the "Back to Mythic" Event happen. It was great fun co-hosting it with you. Thanks Onso for all the fun you've brought us, you'll always be remembered as a great host. But I'm not saying goodbye, you're still sticking with us. Have fun in Gold/Yellow! Not close enough.
  17. Congratulations on becoming a Trusted Member! :D

  18. Congratulations on becoming a Trusted Member! :D

  19. 1. I would just like to ask what the ranks will be like for the multiplayer? 2. I would also like to ask if the achievements will be repeated or if they will have completely new ones. Some in Halo: CE Anniversary were really, really hard to get. 3. And finally, I'd like to ask if any of you know when we'll be getting more details on any editions of it or bonuses with the game?
  20. DATE CHANGED. Now on 19th July instead of 12th July.
  21. Hey everyone! I've teamed up with Sparky to give you guys an Event of MASS DESTRUCTION. What's that meant to mean? Basically, we're going to destroy each other. We'll have a variety of Custom Maps and Game Modes to play. It's going down on Saturday 9th August, at 3PM EST - 5PM EST (8PM GMT - 10PM GMT) and it will be on Halo 4. The Forge Island DLC is necessary. It can be downloaded for Free. We hope to see you there. Attendees: ShadowFiend216 Unease P34nut Twinreaper EmileA129 Connor Kenway Bnus Ardent Prayer Ruby Rose Eqwinoxe Sikslik7 DarkAngel Butch Flowers Coldfreeze
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