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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Very well-deserved, nice to come back to such good news. Congrats H6F, I'm confident you'll keep the forum in great shape.
  2. The memories from this place, never forgotten. Might be more active here over the summer, missed the community.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      What I can see is many original members choosing not to speak out. They come online but show no activity in the SB, though that may only have been the past couple of days.

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Nah your about right

    4. Drizzy_Dan
  3. Welcome to the community, Quarian.

  4. Disappointing to come back online and see how rapidly activity has decreased here. SB gets a shout every few hours, countless sub-forums haven't been active for over 24hrs (and I'm talking whole sub-forums, not individual threads). How has everyone been?

    1. ShadowFiend216


      Alright, I spend most of my time on here lurking anymore.

    2. Drizzy_Dan
  5. Xbox and Xbox 360. The Xbox has formed me into who I am. Without it, I may have no experience with a gaming console (maybe games on a smartphone). It brought Halo to my attention, with Combat Evolved being the first game I had experienced at age 3. This has had a huge effect on me growing up, and makes me who I am today. I may ne half as good as the guy I am today without the interests and passion I have received from growing up with the Xbox, and more importantly Halo. Not gonna lie, have some nostalgia from the Xbox. I've packed away my Xbox since I either June or July 2010, when I had finally acquired the 360. I finally had access to Halo 3, ODST, and Wars. Was also in time for Reach. The 360 had truly revolutionised my gaming experience, without making Halo a completely "different" game. I remember getting hyped over achievements back then. I could finally play a game online, and talk to other people - something I wasn't capable of doing back when I used my original Xbox. Looking at it now, it was sort of like the original Xbox but enhanced in every way. The struggle for Gold Membership before it became something I regularly had was kinda ish, but I never stopped loving what I had access to and when I did get a gold trial, it was the best thing ever. Other devices never really had the same effect on me.
  6. Nice to have you around, hope you feel welcomed.
  7. É melhor para você entrar em contato com a Microsoft, e se comunicar com o suporte do Xbox . Eles devem ajudá-lo a resolver este problema fora. (Google Translate was used for the above response, I'm not experienced with Portuguese.)
  8. I gotta appreciate the thought put into the OP, and how in-depth a small reference actually went. I personally don't bother to "hate on 343" after Halo 4 and 5, because there's nothing to dislike. Sure, not everyone's going to agree with everything, but the story of Halo 4 and 5 aren't bad. Personally, story is the most vital aspect as it is what actually happens, and this important factor is not a disappointment. To be honest, those who rant at 343 seem to be following the hype from my POV. Anything new that's released, someone tries to negate it and find an excuse to get everyone else hating 343. Everyone else, goes with assuming that Bungie were the only ones capable of doing good (which is a false allegation). Lets be real here, 343 know what they are doing, at least to some extent. It's the followers who choose to over-hype things sometimes. Of course they'll put a ton of effort into advertising, isn't that what all project developers would do. They're trying to maximise their grasp on their target market, and heavy advertising is the best way to do so.
  9. I only just go online here again recently, and haven't been that active for the past year myself. It's a shame you won't be here as often anymore, but it's also completely understandable. People have priorities, and we have to accept that even those who are most active here need some time off. Take it easy Mayh3m, get everything on track and make your way back here. I'm sure the community needs you.
  10. I'm afraid you're wrong there, Fishy. Though I don't blame you, I also had this misconception. Both soldiers have the same height; approximately 6ft10". In armour, this value may differ slightly, but the difference would be negligible. Spartan-IVs are not generally shorter than Spartan-IIs, they are all about the same height. Like Spartan-IIs, Spartan-IVs received biological augmentations which enhanced overall combat performance. Height was an affected factor, so you would see that both Chief and Locke possess essentially the same height.
  11. It's nice to be here again, free codes for Halo Wars 2 Beta Avatar shirts if anyone's interested.

  12. Anyone aware of a thread or PM group here for those who have seen Civil War? Note: Apologies for my absence, there will be increased activity towards the beginning of July.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Not too sure, but if there is one please add me too! ;3

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Ya'll are lucky ;-;

  13. How's the community been?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guts


      And we won't have any till next month probably. We need more.

    3. Melody
    4. Drizzy_Dan


      better than ever on xbl. We've ran 2 large inter-community lobbies

  14. Welcome to the community.

  15. Considering the Spartan-Is were, I'd assume the other Spartan generations are also immune. So we don't see them because they were supplied to other locations, I get what you mean. One thing that doesn't make sense is why Locke and Fireteam Osiris weren't supplied with these additions before being sent to bring in Blue Team. To conclude, are you saying that all these weapon additions and weapon variants such as The Answer and Blaze of Glory are canon (and not only in the multiplayer), but aren't seen in campaign because Blue Team and Fireteam Osiris are not in an environment in which they may be found?
  16. Attendees of the Standoff Event Round 2 and Linda Olympics 2K16 require their Gamer awards. I attended both, but can't remember all others that were also there.
  17. I didn't say they were 'non-canon' nor did I specify the sights. Why is it we don't see these weapon attachments and variants in Campaign? The fact they only show up in multiplayer is what throws me off. We only see the variants in campaign as hidden weapons, not firearms actually supplied to UNSC soldiers. I assume these variants are only issued to Spartan-IIs and Spartan-IVs? That still doesn't explain the lack of attachments in campaign...
  18. Could I get a source for what you said about the UNSC drone? All I've found is that it's called a 'Seeker Drone'. I'm tempted to believe it's non-canon and only introduced for gameplay purposes. Speaking of features only for gameplay; In Halo 5's multiplayer there are weapons and weapon attachments that are not seen anywhere else in the Halo universe (e.g: Kinetic rounds, weapon variants, mythics such as 'The Whisper'). Are the variants and attachments (apart from silencer) only introduced for simulation purposes such as Warzone? Thank you.
  19. Welcome to the community.

  20. Sounds great, looking forward to them. Nice work staff.
  21. It's from the Forerunner civilization, they are Forerunner symbols. The closest thing I found to a translation is this: I can't confirm that these are accurate though. Try them out if you're that curious.
  22. I see your point. Bringing back these different species will make it feel more like Halo. No matter what though, there must be a legitimate reason for a species to return. Halo 5 has more variety than Halo 4 did, that's for sure. Maybe next game we'll see many of them come back. Cortana certainly hints at it when she calls out for all of them in the last mission of Halo 5.
  23. Welcome to the community.

  24. If there's no reason for the flood to come back, they shouldn't return. We don't want 343 bending the story just to have the flood back in action. They have been seen in Escalation (so I've heard), so chances are they will be back. And by the way, OP mentioned 'Is there anything you'd like 343 Industries to remove in Halo 6?'. Halo 6 is inevitable, it will happen. They've began developing it before Halo 5 launched, and I predict it'll be released 2018. I see what you mean and you're right, but Microsoft put 343 under deadlines unfortunately. They'll be working real hard to get Halo 6 in good condition before it drops, I'm confident about that. Halo 5 improved quite a bit, Halo 6 will improve massively.
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