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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  2. XD. I've never seen anything like that before, it's...unique. But still, some Japanese girls can be real nice. I guess some things can be real weird though...
  3. It feels awesome after doing lots of sports.

  4. Anyone up for some Halo 4 later today? I'll be playing some from around 10:30PM GMT and onwards. GT: Spartan 343ICF

  5. Great Wrapup Drizzy. I never get bored of reading these.
  6. Welcome back! I remember seeing a Member named Trae Houston before and we're glad to have you back.
  7. We'll make sure you get sent out with a bang. Hmmm...now where's my Sticky Detonator...? I'm sure I'll be there so far. I may not be able to attend the entire Event but I'll definitely be there for at least a couple of hours.
  8. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  9. It sucks when New Members join here but only stay active for a day or two after joining. At least a part of them stay here actively. :)

    1. Delpen9


      There collective unconsciousness amalgamates into my soul. I am the soul of all and the brains of few(moderators).

    2. Delpen9


      Their* brain*

  10. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  11. Halo Wars without a doubt. It's far bigger and more enjoyable in my opinion. Not that I dislike Halo: Spartan Assault, I just prefer Halo Wars over it.
  12. I persoanlly think Sci-Fi games, such as Halo, can teach a lot about Modern-Day Science. Since I began getting deep into the Halo books, I've been learning a lot from them and getting interesting into finding out how things work. I now take a big interest in Science and get As and A*s on my Tests. Lowest I've gotten all year was B and that was mainly because we had less time. I think it encourages the interests of some people and get them wanting to learn more. I agree that gaming can be educational.
  13. I feel you man, Anime Girls need to be real! Well besides flawless Anime Girls, I'd accept a variety of chicks. Personality-wise isn't too important for me, but appearance is key. I used to be mad for Blondes, but I kind of got over that somehow. I'm still open for blondes, but I'd also love a brunette. I think Japanese girls are real nice too and I'd be happy with one of them. For personality, I'm not too fussed about it, but I guess it's always nice to know that the girl has a good personality. Over-sensitive girls can be real cute, although they may seem annoying, they can still be cute and it's great for them to be over-sensitive and look nice. So yeah, that's a brief summary of some chicks I might like.
  14. I'll definitely be MAY-king it to this event. (Beat that Sparky ) I'll update if I can't make it.
  15. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. We all hope you enjoy your stay here.
  16. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  17. 10. I'm cool with staff, I just like victory.
  18. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

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