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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  2. I'll definitely be there for the Mass Effect 3 one. Eighteen more minutes!
  3. Fair enough, I see what you mean. I've seen you both play and I think you're both really good players, I was just mislead by the Original Post. It's hard to judge someone's tone of voice by text anyway. I hope you get many other rivals and enjoy your games.
  4. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  5. Don't at all seem full of yourselves...if I know I'm going to do that bad, I guess I won't even try. I also find it ironic how you mention in the Original Post that anyone who opposes you are losers and ask for a challenge afterwards. To be honest, I actually think you are both great at Halo and make a destructive Team, but I personally think you kind of bragged too much in the Original Post and have definitely put me off even trying to compete against against the two of you.
  6. Congratulations pistachio!-I mean Peanut. Have an awesome Month in your well-deserved Pink.
  7. Happy April Fools!...oh wait, damn it.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Jokes on you, it's not April Fools. :3

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @Peanut Such as?

      @-Sparky- I kind of got that...

  8. Congratulations on becoming a Trusted Member! :D

  9. I'm going with Yang. Blonde girls for the win.
  10. Welcome to the forums Duke. You'll love it here.
  11. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-drop, the bass.

  12. Welcome to the 343 industries Community Forum. :)

  13. I'm seeing so many dead threads being revived, then locked.

    1. Buns


      The greenies are to blame.

    2. Delpen9


      The leaf people...

    3. Fishy


      It's because some members have been linking old threads to new threads so the new members post in there unknowingly.

  14. As far as I'm aware Elites will definitely be returning. We have all the proof we need in Halo:Escalation. That comic series is enough to make me believe that the Elites are coming back. Possibly playable for multiplayer, but so far not 100% true. I personally think it's likely we'll see them as playable characters in the next Halo game's multiplayer. They will be if 343 Industries are listening to us, and I'm sure they are.
  15. I see this is going to be hard to please all the audience and I would not like to make it harder. If it's possible to get it earlier than 5:30 PM EST for the Mass Effect 3 Event, that would be great, if not, that is completely fine. If the time remains at 5:30 PM EST, I may still be able to make it but maybe not for as long. To simplify things for me: the earlier, the better. But I understand if you can't make it earlier. Thanks.
  16. I don't think I can make the Mass Effect 3 Event if it's at 7PM EST. Is it possible for it to be a couple of hours back? If not, then I understand. Thanks.
  17. Sorry I haven't been very active recently, got a lot of things to do.

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      better be sorry >:| I miss you

  18. I would have to be insane to not attend a Mass Effect Community Event. Sign me up! I'll update if I can't make it.
  19. I'm going with Frozen. I've got a suspicious feeling about him and that fish. Seriously though, fishes can kill, and just because someone was holding a fish, it doesn't make them innocent. There could be a blade under that fish.
  20. Great wrapup. It seems like to much of a coincidence how now the only games I'm playing are Mass Effect games and there is now a Mass Effect 3 event...hmmm, I'm being watched. I can't wait for it.
  21. I'm back. The Military Camp was great. I hope to go again eventually. Glad to be back.

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