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Ranger Intel

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Everything posted by Ranger Intel

  1. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  2. I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.

  3. Well I learnt a few pieces but I can't play it properly, so no. Do you like Dubstep?
  4. Do I just pick any Number to start of with? If yes, then I choose 11.
  5. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. I hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome to the 343 industries Community Forum. :)

  7. Your Chapters seem to be really successful and loved by many. It would be a shame to see them end but as Caboose said, take all the time you need. Don't feel rushed and under pressure. Do as you wish. I hope this continues to be a successful story.
  8. It's always a great idea to include some fun around the forums so I encourage you to try start up a game. I would be happy to help in maybe co-hosting one or just giving any support possible. It's your choice what you do. I would personally like to see some Halo related games maybe.
  9. To be honest, I hated fighting the Prometheans in Halo 4. They really annoyed me and weren't as enjoyable to kill as the Covenant in my opinion.
  10. I like how you think. I see what you mean by the Pelican being the most efficient. It's mainly because in Halo, the UNSC have enough energy and resources to build and power these things. Probably because they have discovered other planets rich with these resources and have developed more advanced and efficient technology. Yes, the Grizzly. There is also the Rhino.
  11. I personally really enjoyed the event. I thought you guys did a great job with it and had all the maps planned out well. It was great to see many other Members there. It lasted pretty long too, 4 hours. It's a shame that some couldn't make it, but as you both said, there's always next time. Great work you two, I really enjoyed it.
  12. I guess that's fair enough. It seems like it all makes sense to me. That was a tough one, I'll give you that.
  13. Wub wub wub, wubwubwubwubwubwub.

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      Dubstep solves everything! ;P

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      You guys know it. ;)

  14. True, but at the same time, Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 were only on Xbox and PC. Neither of them were on Xbox 360 so they have more of a reason to be made than Halo 3.
  15. I agree. I have a guess, probably wrong-Pulse Grenades?
  16. Dubstep IS Music, you have the rights to disagree though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      ANIMALS!!!!! Dubstep ftw!!!

    3. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      I'm more of a metalhead myself.

    4. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      @Fishy/Orbis: I agree. :)

      @JXZAW: I personally never liked Metal too much. I would have chosen Rock over Metal. ;)

  17. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  18. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it, sorry. I may be busy, but I might be able to slip in a game. Hopefully I can make it.
  19. If no one knows the answer, no one will get a point and I guess the riddle may be passed onto some one else. Any other clues?
  20. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forum. :)

  21. So 4 PM GMT in 3 days, I should be able to make that so far but I might be slightly late.
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