What happened to dominion?????? I got on to play some dominion yesterday and the whole playlist was gone. Can someone please tell me why.... WHY they would get rid of that playlist??? It had better be coming back. Someone please shed some light on this.
Also, i'm becoming increasingly angry with the fact they keep messing with Halo 4 matchmaking playlists and such. My reasons are:
1. Team Regicide. Best playlist ever. Loved it. It was the ONLY playlist I actually enjoyed playing and what happens?? They take it away and throw it in with some other playlists. Which sucked because CTF would get voted instead. Now I don't even know if team regicide even exists anymore.
2. Dominion: Lockdown. Ya'll added lockdown which all my friends and I loved but then they had to go in and change it, taking away radar.
3. Dominion.... or the lack thereof. Its gone. And that is a very horrible saddening thing for my group of friends and I.
Why do they have to come in and keep changing the game and playlists. Just let it be. We were happy with the way things were. Quit ruining Halo people!