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    iTF Pr0metheus

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  1. And yet, after 13 years Duke Nuke II gets ported to MS Arcade, as a Downloadable arcade game for the 360. Marathon gets released 12 years after its initial release ported to Xbox. (BUNGIE!) Halo 2 Vista was ported after 3 years, and lets face it - they messed it up BIG TIME, by giving us a raw, unoptimised version of the console game, where by they even changed fundamental parts of the game such as the Field of Vision. Perhaps the surge of players returning to Halo 3 (and not just Bungie fanboys like myself) and the demise of Halo 4 will spur them on with a release. At the end of the day - they will make more money than it will cost to make. Lol
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