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Garrett on X1

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Everything posted by Garrett on X1

  1. I think I can confidently say that Destiny will have higher numbers than Halo 4 does now. Some of those who clocked in early were probably thinking that it was Bungie who made Halo great and are now preordering Destiny for the Beta. I am not saying that Destiny will have higher numbers than Halo 5 will have, but I do think it will. Personally, I am really really excited for this game, but.. Do you think that the Destiny population will pass Halo's? post #2 (for full site functionality)
  2. Will Halo be the persistent title to rally gamers towards the Xbox platform with Halo 5? I think 343i has already thought about this and they know that it is important to make a Halo game that will keep players on for a good while. I am just curious, I haven't been following the game very much, I have mostly been on Bungie.net drooling over Destiny, but am getting the feeling that Halo 5 will be that game to rally the troops for the next gen Xbox. Does 343i have what it takes? post #1 (for full site functionality)
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