Halo Legends suckrd! it was like pokemon! I did hear something about a halo movie that they werre going to make after the games by bungie were done but i think they decided to make it after all the halo games were done. the director of the movie District 9 only made the movie because he couldn't make a halo movie, he did write a script about the fall of reach though.
Another idea for is to have each player customize their own warthog and mongoose by painting it or adding stuff onto it and whenever they enter a racing game, that will be the vehicle they use.
These are just some ideas I had to change vehicles.
-bring back unlimited boosting for Covenant vehicles such as the Banshee, Ghost and the Revenant if they keep it.
-Be able to switch between 1st and 3rd person views for the Warthog and Mongoose.
-More freedom while flying the Banshee by being able to fly up at any angle and be able to do bigger loops (More like flying the Sabre from reach).
-Be able to place and control Pelicans and Phantoms and be able to have passengers in the Falcon(not my idea)
-For race gametype keep track of stats for each induvidual map(im a halo racing fan)
-also be able to paint the warthog and mongoose.
I had other ideas too but I can't think of them right now.
Blood Gultch would be my favorite too but I doubt they'd remake because of Hemmorhage even though it wasn't nearly as good as the original or Coagulation. a cool idea I just had was to remake death island and have that be like another forge world because it's basically as big as foreworld.
Sidewinder and Valhalla would be cool but I would rather have Avalanche than Sidewinder but I think that there will only be Halo CE maps so Valhalla and Avalanche probably won't happen but Sidewinder might.
This is what I want!!!!!. everyone!!! go to this page on forge 3.0, read it, and support it. if we get enough publicity on it, 343 just might see it. :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: http://www.343indust..._5921#entry5921
That would be soooooo sick!!!! post links to this page so 343 just might see it. 343, were counting on you!!! :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy: :unworthy:
It will be like odst. a disk with campaign and then another disk with all multiplayer maps for reach including Noble Map Pack, Defiant, and the Seven new maps.
Library would be cool but i doubt 343 would make a floodfight map because there are already firefight settings with all covenant Unless they make a completely new gametype. I was thinking more about this map from the second level of the campaign. (Skip to 5:00 and watch to the end for the best tour of the place, you can ignore the commentary.)