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  1. Didn't really go through all of the classes on this thread yet, so my apologies if someone has a similar class. Name:No real name, but i guess it could be called something like: 'Guerrilla' Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon: Assault Rifle Grenade: Plasma grenades. Armour Ability: Regeneration Field/Jet pack ( i switch it, depending on the gametype. ) Tactical Package: Firepower Support upgrade: Dexterity/Explosives ( i switch between these two quite much, depends on how i'm going to play, stealthy, or more riskily. ) Description:This Class allows me to quickly get rid of enemies from farther away via the assistance of the Battle Rifle, and i can quickly switch to the Assault rifle with Dexterity on, if an enemy gets near me. Plasma grenades... well, i just like them the most, due to their sticking effect, and the fact that they won't take the extra time like frag grenades do. ( what i mean is, they can fly really far without prematurely exploding like the frag in mid-air, and they only explode a rough one second after contact. That's a bonus in my books. ) Regeneration Field i use when playing Team-esque games, such as team slayer, for example. Allows me to keep team members alive for slightly longer, and it also provides for a nice cover for a few seconds, just enough to get away from the eye of a sniper, for example. Then there's the Jet pack. Nifty little thing, truly. Allows you access to various map parts, and it fools most people who rely on the usage of the radar, considering you'll be flying up high, instead of walking on the ground, like most will expect you to be. Shame that the ruse only lasts a few seconds though, as the person WILL look up at some point. Unless you're playing a map with an underground area. Firepower, allows 2 regular weapons, no explanations required here. Dexterity gives me faster reloading and weapon swapping speed, which can be the one essential thing in any gun battle. Probably my favourite support upgrade. Explosives make the class' plasma grenades have a wider blast radius, enhancing the chances of getting an assist, or a solid kill. It also reduces damage dealt towards you from nearby hostile explosives. That's pretty much it. Nothing more for now. Buh-bai. :3
  2. Well, in my personal opinion, she's dead. And if not, then she's in a coma-like state of sorts. or something along those lines, but alas, we can never be sure. Let's just look forward, wait, and see.
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