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Akali last won the day on October 14 2019

Akali had the most liked content!

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    Behind my Sofa
  • Interests
    Stuff, more stuff, and even more stuff :P

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343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



  1. Personally I'm not too sure you know, but I don't think it will... Don't want to be too negative, but sometimes I remember this site exists, and it was kinda dying off once there was a platform divide back when MCC dropped on the new Xbox One (Project Scorpio still sounds better fight me). Some people couldn't join in on some of the community events because they didn't upgrade, and with the flop of Halo 5: Guardians, I think a lot of people just sorta drifted away into new games. Community events started to dry out and we'd be lucky to get six people for an event and at that point we might as well just play multiplayer. Now that the page isn't listed on the first page of Google, unless we plugged the hell out of this forums or got the site's overall views up to at least first page worthy, I doubt things will improve
  2. New addiction, new look, same old me :D

  3. I... Love... Mental breakdowns... :')

    1. Halo6 Follower
    2. Jack Of Harts
    3. Akali


      Just an incredibly rough time right now just grasping at any chance of hope. Just hoping it gets better sooner rather than later

  4. Well... Could be potentially job hunting due to getting shafted on a massive scale... Great... ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sikslik7


      Yeah, good luck on the hunt. Hope you find something quickly.

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Good luck dude hope you get an even better job

    4. Halo6 Follower
  5. In terms of a serious answer, Sangheili takes the point due to their diverse range, however we all know grunts are best girl of the Halo series with their big blue... Assets... Yes let's go with that O.O
  6. Wanting to help someone and not being able to sucks...

  7. Wanting to help someone and not being able to sucks...

  8. Wanting to help someone and not being able to sucks...

  9. Wanting to help someone and not being able to sucks...

  10. Before I get into anything, that slipspace engine is not only incredibly impressive, but also fitting for the Halo franchise I kinda get an open world feeling from it, but I'm not too sure how well an open world Halo game would be, although I could be proven wrong. It also seems interesting from a story standpoint especially at the end with the AI chip. I don't believe it to be Cortana but it's all speculation and I want answers! More on the engine, it looks really freakin good! Especially in 60fps the game itself looks amazing, although the little Rhino scene for me seemed a bit off and that was my biggest issue with it, and it's incredibly minor. The visual effects are top, the lighting looks soooooooooooooo good and the few night scenes we got looked really impressive for me. I also like how Master Chief has a fresh sleek look again, and by doing that it looks like it's a continuation of Halo 5, so it could be Halo 6, we never know
  11. E3 is okay so far, but whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold

  12. For me I'd be fine with it if they were actually put to some better use, rather than being shallow adversaries to the Chief, and were actually a potential threat like they were advertised to be. They were advertised as people who could kill the Chief, and instead they went on a picnic date at the end of Halo 5... Nah nah nah... Ain't having that
  13. Nah mate Shake that tail back here and try again
  14. Dare me boys, girls, AIs, animals... I have no clue what else I'm missing but I know I'm missing something
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