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Everything posted by Akali

  1. What is everyone's Skype? I had to get a new Skype so I've lost most of my contacts

    1. Jack Of Harts
    2. Akali


      I sent you a request all ready >_<

  2. This fellow Brit would love a code. Put me down on the list Shadow!
  3. Well I found out I'm going to a funeral tomorrow, I won't be active as much tomorrow :(

    1. Melody


      Aww.. Come back soon then Yang.

    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Aw, that's terrible. I'm sorry to read that, hope you're doing okay Chester.

  4. Hey, do you want me to co-host? I don't have anything to do and it looks like we've abandoned the scenes

  6. These are the people that attended Maru's Lone Wolf event. Kawaii Trooper Dumpen9 ORDIS Senguie Me
  7. I'm just going to follow the vote train on this one and vote EK, I need to do some recap as to what's happened
  8. So here's another one of me. I took this on my two week vacation #StealingYoshi'sBathroomTrend
  9. I heard about this a few days ago, this is really interesting to me and I'm happy that they're redoing the ghost. The only sad thing about this is the fact that I can't call him the Dinklebot once the Taken King comes out. Maybe the Drakeobot... Nice work on your first news article Caboose
  10. For everyone who missed Gamescon. I just found this -

  11. Sorry man, we're only a community forum. Besides, even if we were 343. I doubt that the company would give you the money back since it's their business and you agreed to the contract when you bought it that it isn't refundable.
  12. Well you're now in the olden day big leagues now Bubbles, this forum wouldn't be the same without you. The obsessive torture in ToD, the torture you put us through with Hello Kitty and Eevee... It's shaped us all for the worst in the future Thank you for staying with us Bubbles, you are a valued member of the site, and a true friend of mine Here's to more years to come in the future (it will probably be more torture but with cuter things like... Cute stuff...)!
  13. Took you long enough to get this stinky Congratulations Fishy! You're still grounded by the way
  14. I return to you all... Tomorrow... O_O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      #thankgod I'll be on vacation :troll:

    3. Melody
    4. Akali


      I have been from time to time, just not active due to very bad and limited internet

  15. Whoever replaces me as MoM, congratulations and you're grounded. A proper congratulations will be given once I return. Sorry for being super inactive during my MoMmy month T.T

  16. Day 100. I still have no clue why everyone is counting days :/

    1. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Day 1. I don't know either. But its really fun to do it!

  17. so a lot has happened. We've had to move hotel and there's no free wifi... O_O

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akali


      It wasn't Yoshi. The only advantage it has over this hotel, this one hasn't got free wifi which sucks... I might not be active until next week

    3. Fishy


      Then pay for wifi, you goof.

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Good, its nice to stay disconnected from time to time.

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