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Everything posted by Akali

  1. Well this is a bit late but thank you everyone WRITE YOUR TWO YEAR NAO MISTER!
  2. Man what do I go with... I'm going to go with Caboose not only because his votes skyrocketed after this scene was made but also he says he's MAfia however he could just simply be doing a Bnus
  3. Ahh okay thanks for the update BZ I was just curious since I'm not in any rush to claim them, mostly just curious. Thanks again BZ
  4. So when will we be getting or GFW awards? I did half of the battles and I only fought for the OS.
  5. I volunteered to co-host, not actually host it so I'm not actually confirmed as hosting 8.0 But anyway why not settle this. Since Delpen said that he wants to host 8.0 then let him co-host, maybe Cerulean can either co-host with him or wait for 9.0. Just saying
  6. Erm yeah we're not actually 343... Yeah... Awkward moment right now. If you want them to read this then post it on Halo Waypoint.
  7. Did I really just get a 5.33 K.D ratio in Destiny!?!?!?!?!??!?!

  8. If you could make the text at the bottom go from yellow to maroon with a black highlight around the edges then it'll be perfect
  9. A good point but it's illogical, do we just sit here like sitting ducks and wait for the Mafians to kill us all off? That would take longer than Mafia 6.0
  10. That's what I didn't like about Mafia 5.0 and I think that's why a lot of people complained when Mafia 6.0 was a lot longer. The game lived up to it's fullest with a few problems here and there with me going away and stuff
  11. Happy B-Day Ardy! :D Hope you have a nice slice of Ardent Pie ;)

  12. As host of the last game you can have a look at my final scene where I announced that he and Delpen were Mafia
  13. Classification: Signature Format: PNG Size: [Default] Style [Overall theme: My obvious choice of RWBY Color Scheme: Mainly yellow but a few places with black and a shade of maroon Image: http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/RWBY_Concept_Art_Yang_01.jpg Background Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/535920_10202011380765401_235914310358117943_n.jpg?oh=4e10174d6f332fd9714e2c6edf1c2e1e&oe=54D4F260&__gda__=1423454249_bca5d5ca0d8bc36202d6ba77d30b3888 Text 1: Yang Xiao Long Text 2: Elysium but Haunted Additional effects: I would like the character in the background image to be flipped and have some sort of ghostly memory type thing, also (if you can) take out the Japanese symbol in the background. I would also like the background in the main image cut off as much as possible. Positions: The main image slightly over the character in the background image. The rest is up to the artist
  14. A pretty good MoMmytro speech if I do say so myself. Congratulations hunter, a great speech for a great MoMmy of November 2K14. Not a great Mafia though...
  15. I only love you when you're on my plate next to some roast potatoes and/or covered in gravy
  16. First test of Year 11 today. English... Wish me luck guys! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      I get all six subjects everyday, lol. Good luck on your test!

    3. Ranger Intel
    4. Ash


      Good luck Yang! :)

  17. I can provide evidence if you so choose to with either death or with the fallen
  18. I have to agree with these facts, being Mafia and a host has given me some insight as to how they act and some of the facts has either been given in this thread or at the end of last game. Only show PMs to CONFIRMED! These are confirmed when people DIE or are EXECUTED! I'm still surprised as to how they didn't see past that.
  19. "I want to go home." Rue was crying in her cell, she was staring at herself through the puddle of tears she had made "I should've listened! I want to leave this place!" She broke down and started to cry. She heard footsteps in the distance and tried to remain as silent as she could, tears streaming down her face. "Rue! You here? We need to kill you now." The Mafians discovered a way to get into the jail room. The two Mafians approached her cell "Well well, the last civilian." The Mafians started to cackle "What should we do with her boss?" Asked the recruit; a menacing grin across his face. "I don't know to be honest, we could torture her slowly and enjoy our last death or we could just kill her now and get our payme..." His ideas suddenly came to a stop as the entire coliseum shook "What was that?" Asked the recruit. It came back but stronger, more violent. Rue's rotten cell collapsed and caused a hole big enough for Rue to escape. "What was that? Where did she go!?" The Mafians started to panic and started to become stressed. As the dust cleared it revealed the hole that she escaped out of "Dammit!" Both the recruit and the leader jumped through the hole. Once they landed they both suddenly had a mini heart attack "Aww no... This is the sewers!" The recruit started to feel worried "We're going to have to split up!" The recruit was taking control which the leader didn't like. "Hold on one minute!" The leader was stressed at this point "You do not make the decisions! I do!" The leader stopped and took a break to calm down "We need to use our heads and our ears, listen for the footsteps of her running away and then run that way." The recruit suddenly understood, closed his eyes and began to listen out for Rue. "Oh no!" Rue thought to herself "I'm trapped! The exit won't open!" The earthquake caused some of the nearby buildings to collapse on the exit and completely jamming it shut with all of the concrete and debris. She began to tear up but she was determined not to cry, she knew that if she made a noise then she was dead. She only had one choice left, to go back to the hole and escape from her cell. She began to backtrack her route that she ran as quietly as she could. The Mafians were at the hole waiting for her, listening for her footsteps. Rue looked around the corner and saw them both there. "Oh no." She thought to herself, "How am I going to escape now. "Have you heard her yet recruit?" The leader asked "Not yet but I will do." The recruit said with determination. That is when Rue had an idea, she snuck around the other side and found a medium sized rock. She decided to throw the rock down one of the other tunnels and use that to escape. The rock made a huge bang followed by a splash, in an instant of the splash the sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the tunnels as the Mafians charged after the noise. As soon as she saw them run past her she walked very quietly over to the hole, when she tried to reach the hole she noticed that she had to jump to reach it. She failed the first jump which made the Mafians change their current route and run back to the hole. Rue was desperately trying to reach the hole, as soon as the Mafians turned the corner she was able to grab a piece of metal that the pipe was made of and climbed up to get to the opening. The Mafians were smart and decided to use the pipe to make a secondary jump to reach her. "We're coming Rue!" Shouted the recruit who was full of anger as he and the leader ran after her. Rue was finally able to reach the apartment that she was staying in, she went to her room and locked the door. "What do I do now?" Rue was shaking with fear, she didn't know what to do. The Mafians were beating down every door on her floor, she suddenly remembered about her project of her secret weapon. She ran to her drawer and pulled out a key then she walked over to a chest on the floor, she unlocked the chest and pulled out her weapon. "If a fight is what they want then a fight is what they'll get!" She closed her chest and unlocked the door. As she walked out she saw the Mafians going the other way, beating down the doors of the other rooms. "Hey boys." She said, a menacing grin across her face "Looking for me?" The Mafians turned with a devilish grin that soon became a very shocked face. "Oh no..." Muttered the leader "The rumours were true, this is the reason you haven't been attending the polls. This is the reason you're never at the execution." The leader pulled out another sword. "Then I guess it's time for me to put down this town's legend." The leader changed but Rue jumped out of her window because she needed more room for her weapon and she couldn't swing it in such a compact space. The Mafians shortly followed her, "So... The last stand." Said Rue "It's either me or you." She readied her scythe "So lets finally finish this!" Rue charged at the Mafians full of zeal and determination. The Mafians were skilled swordsman but they had no idea how to defend themselves from a scythe attack, they had to dodge out the way and counter attack but Rue was too good with the scythe; dodging, blocking and countering their every attack. "She's too good." Panted the recruit "What do we do?" "What's the problem young one? Feeling tired?" She charged at the recruit who was struggling to catch his breath. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back, she looked down and saw a pile of blood growing bigger and bigger on the floor. "Do I really need to save you again recruit?" The leader approached Rue "Good fight honey, but it's over now." The leader watched her body collapse onto the concrete road. "You skills are good but work on your defensive skills." The leader began to approach her "However that won't matter now, you're still alive, I want my payment and now it's time for me to complete my mission." The leader stabbed her through the back of the skull, he looked at the recruit "There's still one alive!" He said as he approached the recruit "Who? Who ali..." The Leader stabbed the recruit through the heart "You..." The leader said, his face covered in shadow. As the recruit's body fell to the floor, the leader sheathed his sword and walked off into the shadows. So hopefully this is just in the boundaries.
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