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Everything posted by Akali

  1. Since there are a few spaces left is it okay if I invite one of my friends who isn't on the forums but could be joining soon? He wants to get to know some members before he wants to join the forums first so I'm trying to get him in as many events as possible before I get an answer.
  2. Every Lie - My Darkest Days
  3. Demons - Imagine Dragons (Sam Tsui and Max Schneider Cover)
  4. Headphones - Hedley Took me a while to think of that one
  5. Unfortunately we aren't 343 Industries. We are a community forum and I have the same problem and it is annoying but like I said we're not 343 but that doesn't mean you can't stay, hang out and make friends here. We have many community events that you can sign up for and get to know more people on the forums a bit such as P34nut's event which will be later today.
  6. One cannot simply beat GSD at Swat Whoever that dammed dogs owner is, he is a very good trainer. I can't even train my dog to sit and he has taught GSD to be the god of SWAT
  7. Slot number 2 please Because first the worst, second the best
  8. Woo woo lets go Offbeat Syndicate :3 OFFBEAT SYNDICATE FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. People like it not for the fact that they are leaving, but their leaving speech and Maru did a good leaving speech for probably his last post.
  10. I will come to the event :3 Should be fun Gamertag: DarkAngel 343I
  11. Good job all employees from Crytek standing up to their boss by saying to the internet 'were not getting paid by our boss' You show him/her guys and girls Nice article P34nut
  12. Nope sorry Caboose, maybe next time you will get it right PINKZAW
  13. So I know I requested one a few days ago but since I have changed my name my signature with my old name may seem a little odd so here's my new request. Classification: Signature Format: Static Size: 600x300 (already tested image) Style: Horror/Sci-fi Colour Scheme: Different shades of blue (to match the colours in the picture) Images: http://konachan.com/jpeg/c75a74ebd29f1d2c3e36304a8e9dad7a/Konachan.com%20-%2097469%20akizuki_tsukasa%20aqua%20blood%20blue_eyes%20blue_hair%20game_cg%20machimura_saori%20sorahane%20weapon.jpg Text 1: Dark Angel Text 2: Angel of Darkness Text Font: Artists choice but make it a creepy font Positions: Artists choice
  14. So since team RWBY has disappeared from the forums the final member has unfortunately left so say hello to DarkAngel

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Delpen9


      RWBY was a mistake.

    3. Akali


      You're a mistake :P

    4. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      I agree with DarkAngel on the matter of you being a mistake... jesting! :P

  15. Well Maru I do have to say that even though I have only been able to come to two or three events of yours, they were some of the best playdates I have been to on the forums. Your events were always the best due to the atmosphere, the people, the maps, the gametypes but best of all you made the events every time you saw GSD and you started squealing like a girl xD It is a terrible shame that you have to go Maru but I wish you good luck with whatever you have to do out in the world. You will be missed by pretty much every member who has spoken to you in the shoutbox or attended one of your legendary events. I wish you good luck in the real world and hopefully you don't see GSD because people might think you're a loony xD Good bye our head ninja, event hoster, super stealthy NINJA with that shuriken of yours and a really good friend to everyone on the forums but I ask you one thing. Return to us one day to give us an update on how you are and stuff and maybe do an event since they won't be the same without you buddy. Goodbye Maru, you will be missed
  16. Congratulations Halo you have now evolved from a wee little greenie to a powerful purple Not long now before you become an all powerful godly silver with no power what so ever (were gods in disguise) By my prediction you will be dedicated in about 3 years time
  17. Did you really suggest that the number will be bigger after release... I would play the game so much I break the number barrier in a week
  18. Bungie has stated that almost 6.5 million games were played during the alpha version of Destiny on the PS4 which ended last week. Bungie has released a carnage report on it's website (www.Bungie.net) that the players were able to reach during the beta. Here is the list: 149,522,313 Primary Weapon Kills 21,782,610 Secondary Weapon Kills 4,002,737 Heavy Weapon Kills 21,687,298 Super Ability Kills 2,819,211 Orbs of Light Gathered 6,850,773 Control Points Captured in the Crucible 1,195 Deathless Medals awarded in the Crucible 4,356 Splatters with the Sparrow 667,966 Public Events Joined 60,491,944 Fallen Dregs Dispatched with Extreme Prejudice Too many to count: Guardians served in Dance Parties But most importantly 6,461,871 Player Games Played! Back in February Activision stated that Destiny would be the "Best selling new video game IP in HISTORY!" So far it looks like it will be the best new video game IP. Destiny comes out September 9th but you can play the beta which begins on the PS3 and PS4 on July 7th. So are you hyped about Destiny? What do you think of the carnage report? Leave your comments in the comment section below and thanks for reading. Source
  19. That akward moment when KSI Epic Sloth and KSIDarkValkyrie spams you trying to get you to join KSI xD

    1. Twinreaper


      They must be desperate for members. Too soon?


    2. Akali


      Yeah... Too soon Reaper...

  20. signature 600x300 Just text. Nothing more nothing less Green and white Picture: http://konachan.com/image/9d1981161aa1be42226e9372e2619791/Konachan.com%20-%20119437%20brown_hair%20green_eyes%20long_hair%20original%20seafh%20skirt%20wings.jpg Background is the image Text is my username in black and blend it with grey (how you do this is up to you ) Font: You're choice random artist Placement: underneath the wing If I can have this as a background as well without the changes then that would be great
  21. My drawing is done :D. Pretty bad I know but I know I can't draw and I have to hand it in on Monday also it's rushed but first attempt to draw something like this so I hope you like it http://i.imgur.com/VAV79W4.jpg

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom
    2. Akali


      *gasp* :o the art genius likes my work :o

    3. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Get in mah belly!

  22. ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼Sorry, I've dropped my bag of Doritos ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ► ▼ ◄ ◄ ▲▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ◄ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲

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