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Everything posted by Akali

    1. Church
    2. Akali


      Why else did you think I posted it on your wall unless I was trying to put in a secret message of saying you're a chicken :3

  1. To clarify for what was said last night and I do apologize if there was something said by the mods saying not to bring it up again, I wasn't there so I don't lnow but let me get started. Yes I did ask Scorch to put up what he said because I have asked on several occasions and no one listened to me and I mean no one and it was getting really annoying and Scorch said that he would post it after I said I was going to report it to a mod since I asked multiple times and no one stopped. Sco...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      In the future please come to the moderators first. Scorch has no power to discipline those who decide not to listen to him, so he can effectively do nothing about it.

    3. Akali


      I did it because no one listened after countless times of asking them to stop. I said that I hated it and it was annoying me and he volunteered to say something and I agreed to it so punish me as you wish since I am in the wrong for telling him to.

    4. The Director

      The Director

      I am not going to punish you, I am simply stating the most effective method to get things done properly.

  2. Second and happy forum B-Day Director and congratulations on 4000 posts
  3. Hey P34nut put me on the list :3
  4. Since you didn't like the ending of ME3, what do you think of the indoctrination theory?
  5. Thanks Mayh3m ;)

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      You are most welcome. :D

  6. So if your still able to sign up then I will contribute my efforts into the war
  7. Sorry it is late I only just noticed that two days ago was your B-Day so happy B-Day Zeebs :)

  8. Well I never expected this I guess I will see you around Maru, your events were always fun when I can make then and when I could make them it was totally worth staying up until 1-3am playing Halo and stuff Please come back and do more Ninjas vs Forum event since they were very fun (even if it started at 3am) and good luck with what you have to do. Since your a legendary member now I guess you are the ninja of sunlight so PRAISE THE SUN and praise Maru for bringing us amazing playdates. Please come back since everyone will miss you buddy. Hopefully I will see you soon Maru
  9. Since your a RvB fan who is your favourite freelancer and red or blue?
  10. For my list I would have to say Destiny (because Bungie and Destiny :3), the Witcher 3 (looks really fun), Star Wars Battlefront (because Star Wars :3) and Sunset Overdrive because they all look really fun, smooth and they look pretty good as well and I can't wait to play them. This has actually persuaded me to almost buy an Xbox One now because it has games.
  11. So I need help guys. What can I do if you get a profile corruption?

  12. Well I can't wait for these but I won't be able to see anything past Ubisoft since the times are bad for me Oh well I will find a video of it or something
  13. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
  14. I did but not a lot since I always lost track of which episode was the start of the series and which one is next so I don't watch it any more
  15. SPARKEH!!! YOUR SILVER NOW!!!!!!!! :D Grats Sparky

  16. Sent home because the one way to get to school is closed. :D Today is going to be fun :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akali


      Lucky ¬_¬

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      That's why you went home? Because road is closed, not because school is closed?

    4. Akali


      There is only one way to get to my school which is across a bridge but there was a serious accident on the bridge and they closed down the bridge until they can sort out the situation and my school told my taxi driver to just go home because barely anyone was in school

  17. I wanna go :3 Gamertag: DarkAngel 343I
  18. Happy B-Day Reaper!!

    1. Twinreaper


      Yup, even Death has a birthday! Damn fine time I picked to get SB banned! :rofl:

    2. Akali


      Oh wow Reaper ¬_¬


  19. Welcome Diana to the forums Try to stay away from Azaxx Just look for the eye and you have found Austin
  20. Hey Dusk welcome to the site I might have another Borderlands 2 play buddy to
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