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Everything posted by Akali

  1. When you make a bully cry a new pacific ocean without lifting a finger feels incredibly good. He bullies seventh graders and he is an eleventh grader so I stood up to him

    1. Delpen9
    2. Akali


      Not really no one was really going to stand up to him so I did

  2. I would like to join Gamertag: F1ZM It's Halo 4 because no other Halo has Dominion
  3. Here is mine because RWBY :3
  4. Jack! Austin is trying to take your future job away
  5. Wow that is great It appears that the one on the left covers the R a bit but it looks great If you can then can you make the two pics a bit smaller and put them in the corner so you can see it then that would make it perfect and fabulous :3 I will use this one until you can do that but do other peoples before it if it will take a while since you have a long list buddy
  6. Well you may have only been pink for one month it is the month that will not be forgotten because you was the FIRST!! Dumbest MoM Nice read Mr Weasel and nice dedicated
  7. What is it with you and very weird gifs??????????????????
  8. Nice post Pinko but where is your wish? What is the wish that our beloved MoMmy wants? Nice read and nice work in the Signature Shop, doing more than the Art Dep
  9. Hey Mr Pinky can you make a signature for me pretty please? Classification: Signature Format: Static image Size: The maximum size for a signature unless it is blurry Style: Take a guess RWBY Primary Colour(s): Yellow, orange and/or gold Base Image: https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/10347510_276543292518026_8240037734068115236_n.jpg Second image:https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/10171757_10200951428907220_2152553660695421058_n.jpg ^(I would like one on each side)^ Font: Whatever looks cool with it but if you can then try get the RWBY one but I'm not that bothered if you can't find something similar to it Location: Where ever you see fit I know I'm not very helpful :S But take your time buddy
  10. That read Well I guess I will see you around JL. You won't be forgotten here with your knowledge of anime (Azaxx's right hand man of anime) You know I am always happy to talk about RWBY, so pumped for the premier :D Hopefully I will see you around in the shoutbox or just around in general but when you want to then visit us all in the shoutbox because we will all miss you See you around buddy. *sadly waves*
  11. I have wanted to do this for ages but I couldn't find one without the games in the description and if I did then they were taken down for copyright
  12. My vote will yet again go to Yoshi :3
  13. Akali

    June MoM!

    Well at last he got the MoM after being on this site for over two years Congratulations Jacko Well deserved
  14. I was going to do that but it had all of them in the description so I didn't do that. Also this does go on until the 29th June and the winner will be announced on the 30th June so there is plenty of time yet. If you don't want to do it then that is fine.
  15. I gave the list of games and your meant to put them in the order that they appear in
  16. Wait? A news guy didn't read something so simple properly? I must make it more complicated then Also no it isn't and you have a month to get the answers and post them below so get posting or researching Adam
  17. They post them in the comment section Edit: Haha oh Adam
  18. Hello fellow forumers I have decided to do something a little similar to Cooliests's monthly caption contest and turn it into some sort of gaming quiz and here is how it will work. I give you a video. That video contains footage from a variety of games. Your job is to name as many as you can (maybe name all of them). There are rules though. 1. If you edit a post then put the time and date in your edit (I'm looking at you moderators. No cheating) 2. Don't tell anyone if they are wrong because you want to try and win the ultimate gaming quiz. 3. Don't make fun of other peoples answers otherwise you will be disqualified from this months quiz. 4. When giving your answers make sure that they are easy to read so put them like. 1. ... 2. ... 3... etc Not that they are out of the way let us begin. Shall we? The first video has 34 transitions so it will be out of 34. The games used will be below the video or in the video's description. Good luck everyone. [media=Video] [/media] Tomb Raider, Halo 4, Bio Shock, Infinite, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Ninja Gaiden 3, Ghost Recon: Future soldier, Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, The Darkness 2, Mass Effect 3, Prey 2, Prototype 2, Transformers fall of cybertron, Final Fantasy xiii - 2, Final Fantasy xiii Versus. Most of the video is from trailers but some of it is from the game so spoiler alert for Ninja Gaiden 3 and Final Fantasy XIII-2 Contains a bit of violence but video games :3
  19. We can't trust you since you changed your vote about five times because people kept mentioning Shrek
  20. Probably wrong but is it Gravemind?
  21. I attack a load of grizzlies with a load of grunts and lost 5 but destroyed all of the grizzlies
  22. Don't forget about Spartan's Halo wars playdate and our Member of the Month's playdate an hour after. They will both be as fun as the other so I want to see you all there

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