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Everything posted by Akali

  1. man this is a very hard choice and i dont know what to pick but i would say borderlands since the guns have different parts and attachments that can make them better as well as different elements to make it even stronger against that type (shock for shields and corrosion for armour) and they are skilled fighters since they go around and open vaults which have giant god like beasts that would never be found anywhere on pandora. Borderlands 2 builds upon the gameplay elements introduced in its predecessor. It is a first-person shooter that includes character-building elements found in role-playing games, leading Gearbox to call the game a "role-playing shooter." At the start of the game, players select one of four new characters, each with a unique special skill and with proficiencies with certain weapons. From then on, players take on quests assigned through non-player characters or from bounty boards, each typically rewarding the player with experience points, money, and sometimes a reward item. Players earn experience by killing foes and completing in-game challenges (such as getting a certain number of kills using a specific type of weapon). As they gain levels from experience growth, players can then allocate skill points into a skill tree that features three distinct specializations of the base character.
  2. i would say skyrim because i have played a lot of skyrim so i know how to get myself started and to get myself super rich and powerful also i would be dragonborn so i can kill with my shouts :3
  3. man as always great wrapup Drizzy here are the master thumbs i cant wait to see the Blacklist interviews will there ever be a week where Edward Kenway is not featured somehow in the weekly wrapup
  4. got my suit today :) it feels weird cos i havent worn a suit before

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα
    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Does it... Suit you?

    4. Akali


      really sparky ._.


      also yes it does suit me and it is fancy

  5. nice review my tasty friend the only thing that is stopping me from buying an xbox one is the lack of games since i cant play 360 games on the xbox one
  6. well said zaggy your time will come when you will end up in the list anime dont you worry
  7. thank you all for turning up to the Old vs New event it was really fun and im sorry new team for running all of you over in a ghost multiple times (mostly JL since i hit him like 700 times)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Akali


      i said i would be right back and the mic made a noise when i put it down


    3. HIWBC


      IKR, you have like an addiction to Ghost usage :D!

    4. Akali
  8. i can do all of these so if there are any spaces then send me an invite and i will be there in a heartbeat gamertag: F1ZM
  9. i wouldnt say the game is dying because it has more players playing it than halo 4 also it was hacked a long time ago so it isnt really dying
  10. thank you everyone for giving me 201 likes (i guess you guys like me so much you made me miss my milestone :P)

    1. Maestro


      And don't you forget it! XD

      You're an awesome member to have here, and we hate seeing you down in the dumps.

    2. Akali


      im feeling better now after almost 2-3 weeks and thanks Maestro

  11. still we dont know everyone who has an xbox one and there are some dedicated hackers trying to be the first to mod the xbox one thats what the titan is for
  12. you never know it has been out for a while so people could of spent the time to get into the system
  13. i did plan on buying it but then i heard nothing so i was put off the game but it does look a good game and i might consider buying it because it looks fun also i was waiting for a review and i would say that mark (so far) is a good thing considering you havent played it all yet
  14. i will try you but im probably just going to loose you have me on your friends list (hopefully)
  15. Respawn Entertainment has found out that there are some people cheating in Ttianfall on the Xbox One version and the PC version by using an aimbot and Respawn are not happy. "Finding cheaters in Titanfall? So are we. We're logging them now and they will be rooted out shortly," Respawn said on Twitter. Titanfall was released on the 11th march and there are cheaters in Titanfall already but Respawn are on the case and they are hunting them down. In lighter news. Respawn cofounder Vince Zampella has also announced that the servers for Titanfall will be up on the 14th March and Titanfall will be released in Europe tomorrow aswell. Source Respawn is the Titan and the hackers are the pilot
  16. good job mr freeze you helped out a few people on here also woo shoutout :3
  17. great recap drizzy as usual LONG LIKE THIS FACE THING ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  18. nice work mr freeze but i would say when you go into the facebook and twitter bits you can show us where to go to find some of these options since you said there is a lot of options to protect your account
  19. sure i dont mind the mic part but it would be easier if you have one but sure you can play with me
  20. it is a fun game to play and it does have a skill based ranking system but you cant get rid of sprint because it is a passive thing but you can turn off the ability to have custom loadouts in custom games and you cant use them in legendary slayer
  21. man this a tough one but i would have to say the Spartans because they have been modified to go to hell and back and although a sith may have training into becoming a sith the skill level between them is quite a bit since they havent been genetically modified and they have only been trained normally whilst spartans have been through indoctrination and augmentation to make the ultimate soldier also spartans have guns which are short-long range and guns hurt whilst the sith have lighsabers that they can easily dodge
  22. well done you two you both deserve your rolls Cooliest: i expect some amazing Community events from you and dont worry you will end up on the podcast eventually Kenway: I KNEW YOU WOULD END UP IN NEWS GROUP I CALLED IT
  23. i would say Spartan 3s and the reason is that i can still do a lot of damage even though i am judged but Spartan 2s for survivability cos of what i have been through and its pretty life threatening but here i am
  24. i heard that you cant put in any requests and that they have already chosen the top 25k participants and by 2018 the top 1k participants will be chosen and selected then in 2025 some lucky people would be sent up. i would say no because i dont even want to go into the RAF because i want to stay on the ground unless im going away to another country and it would take me a long time to get used to mars and to wear the suits when i go outside and i would like to speak to people from earth instead of the people from mars because i might not be friends with them and then i will have no one to talk to
  25. hey guys i have been trying to find someone to do the Spartan Assault Co-Op missions with for the achievements and to see how different it is from the single player campaign so if you want to do it with me then either message me on here or over Xbox Live requirements: Halo Spartan Assault and mic Xbox Live Gamertag: F1ZM
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