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Everything posted by Akali

  1. im new to windows 8 so i dont know
  2. let the true person of the internet be released
  3. i dont trust the playstation when it was hacked so xbox 360
  4. Akali

    sup guys

    hey guys i know this is abit late but i have arrived to this part of the planet to say hello and make friends with people
  5. woo Bnus gratz you have the best Bnus out of us all and that is why you are MoM
  6. they need to understand that people like to play as elites so let us have a campaign that specialises in the elites
  7. a helpful list of the games coming out this year
  8. i like the old way but with a few tweeks they dont need to put all this effort in for something useless
  9. i might make it but no promises
  10. i dont need millions of features that might not work i just want a working console
  11. i find it very cool and creative also they are doing something similar but with skyrim
  12. i will try but i can make some good survival maps for infection
  13. in a way yes and no because it was an entertaining game and i have had alot of fun on it but something about it makes me feel that it isnt halo without the unsc vehicle, BR and DMR in the same game, no playable elites, the fact that they messed up the colour system for emblems and most of the armour looks rushed and that there are only a few good armours in my opinion. i also feel like they ruined forge and the fact that the took out races as a game type but i have had some fun with the game types and with the maps that people make and some of them are good. i would say no just because it dosent feel like halo.
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