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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Irving 2 1/2 miles ODST Drop pods, M6 Grindell, AR, DMR, Magnum, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, and Shotgun. Titanium-A battle plate 4368 Falcons, hornets, default warthog, pelicans, longswords, shortswords and cobras. 2 Magnetic Accelerator Cannons, Oversized Archer missile pods (60 missiles each), 50 mm Point-defense guns, 5 Fusion rockets November 18th, 2548. Last activity report. Unknown status reveal- Landed on Harvest's surface, hasn't been spotted by any humans or covies yet. Name: Whisper E119 Assault Rifle Pilot Helmet UA/HUL[3], Sniper right shoulder, recon left shoulder, HP/Parafoil chest, tactical/tacpad wrist, tactical/ soft case utility, FJ/PARA knee guards, Green visor color. Primary Silver, Secondary Cyan Runes Last activity- November 18th, 2548, Training marines for the reappearrance of Irving. Encounters with MC- 126 times, used to go into all operations with MC as the air support, and evac. Was severly wounded on Harvest on June 13th, 2553. Was injured by a heretic squad, they about pulled the same manuever on him as emile, but whisper managed to kill them all. Injury was caused by burns from the phantoms explosion.
  2. Good idea, I'll reach out as well.
  3. Credit cap? I thought that was removed, and daily challenges and commendation completion ribbons don't count towards cap either.
  4. I'd like an overview picture please at least. (not going to download but those who want to, want a picture) yes I read the description that you have none.
  5. Stop spamming reptitive posts on the THFE forums saying the same thing before I report you for post spamming. Also, he only used default buildings to create a more creative better one.
  6. I know, you told me when you and jimbo ganged up on me XD
  7. looks interesting, I'll try it out
  8. Why did you update it? The version I downloaded was pretty good
  9. I'm desperate for Invasion maps so... *downloads*
  10. You finally got it up I also am curious if you got the respawn zones fixed. And am I in any on those pictures?
  11. Jealous? I got to play this against the creator and lose! I have a better reward then you
  12. Yes, I have 100% completion like kayla, but it's not as good as you think it is. You stand out among everyone easier because it always gives off a lighting and people can see you camping because the lightning strikes the ground and air a few feet away alerting the enemy.
  13. Looks like a good map, but at the same time looks bad. maybe you should try not using plain simple materials
  14. It was a quote that popped up in my head when I was making the title, haha.
  15. I just wanted to say, hello everyone. I am back, I will be in the shoutbox tonight if you wanna talk to me. Hello to: Kayla The Director JimboMikeBilly CooliestRap DoctorB77 Fish12346 TECH and to anyone else I have forgot.. Nice to see you again!
  16. I wish, lol. It's difficult to agree!
  17. Fishy


    I will be gone until Sunday starting at this very m oment, so I would like to say goodbye everyone and my friends! I will see you Sunday night! @Kayla :hug: @Jimbo :hug: @Everyone else here :hug:
  18. Fishy

    Halo 4 John 117

    lol there will never be peace in the universe, which is the reason why communism doesn't exist true that unless the CoD players come in.
  19. Skins don't matter, I can pick your gun up and call it close enough.
  20. You don't need to post this both in THFE and standard mini games
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