Hello everyone! Names Xoker, Xokerfish, or Xokerfish321; feel free to call me whichever one you like.
My gamertag is- Xokerfish321
I do like to play Halo Reach, I lost halo 3 unfortanately.
I do run a clan named Crying Runes, there are rules. I won't state them because this isn't the clan thread.
I have been around a couple days now, you might see me in the shoutbox sometimes.
I have an OCD for grammar, if you haven't noticed, lolsz.
If you have any questions just ask me whenever, post or PM me it doesn't matter.
I do have have some more information in my profile on here, I'm not going to post all of it you can check it out if you are really wanting too.
If you ever want to HMU (hit me up) on Reach, just shout, in the shoutbox, my name. If I don't reply then I'm not on, if I do... well then we'll go from there.
Thanks for your dedication/time (catch the reference?) for viewing this!
[Down below is a current photo of my Halo Reach spartan]