I don't know if there is any other topic about this, but I would like to post the Jaboody Dub of Halo 4.
This is to give you guys a good laugh, don't get defensive on this please, but leave a comment on your favorite part. Thank you.
But then people are going to complain and say stuff like "If they have aircraft then how come they didn't fly off the shield world?
Also falcons are supposed to be in halo 4 same as hornets. They didn't show any pictures thought, same thing for the scorpion
You're welcome, I found it inspiring because I never thought of that. I've used rocks, building blocks and even buildings. But I never gave railings a thought.
No, but there are some HDTV's out there where you can play 2 game systems simultaneously, you could do that if you have one of them (I forget the TV mode)
Nothing is impossible! Then again.. try slamming a revolving door...
His face is scarred up, if you did the halo 3 mongoose glitch. But it'd be nice to know when halo is over. Do it at the end of the last halo, it'll be an awesome relief.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you stay, and see you in the shoutbox. Anyways, if you need help just make a shout. We're all here to help, except cooliest, I'm teasing. Anyways, hope to hit you up sometime!
You need to specify the game type please. I have no idea if this is race, slayer, or juggernaut. Also what is the recommended player limit? Please follow THFE map submissions rules. It'll help, thanks!