yeah I noticed after I build the map, I gotta align the bases. I thought it was good myself but criticizing yourself is dumb. haha. I'll upload the better version in a couple days.
yes, there are 2 rockets (no spare clips), magnums, one splaser, 2 snipers (1 spare clip), assault rifles, dmrs, one sword, frags, plasma grenades, 1 plasma pistol and 2 grenade launchers (2 spare clips). (I might be missing a few others but I know there's no plasma launcher or gravity hammers) It's a decent fighting map. but wait for the update in a few days for the improved version. everything will be the same except aligned.
by the way, the teleporters teleport you to those side wings by the wraith. and the teleporters themselves take up the entire platform that way you can enter any direction and to escape enemy fire faster (player teleporter only no vehicles can go through.)