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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. thanks, I just hate that you can't do that in reach made me mad. lol
  2. People say scarabs are overpowered to but guess what? They're both easy to kill, and with halo 4 being able to call in ordnance it'll make vultures easy to kill too.
  3. For any weapon I'd say Adjustable Spartan laser (where you can adjust the ammo percentage 5% being weakest 50% being one shot one kill on any vehicle or anit-personnel) And for a vehicle I pick Vulture. It makes big boom boom
  4. I was thinking along the lines of a transport vehicle, like the falcon for instance. Here's my thought: There's a pilot seat, one gunner seat on the right, and like 3 to 5 passenger seats. The gunner seat should be on the right for the fact most of the time you exit on the right, including campaign, but not only that there could be a co-pilot seat. The co-pilot could use something like an MAV bot or a tagging system to help point out enemies, for instance, (like the reach multiplayer falcon) where in the campaign is a gun there could be a camera in multiplayer uploading video feed of the area to any nearby teammates that the co-pilot could control.
  5. Not that I don't want to do it but I have 6 members and some don't have reach. I'd love to but I don't have 6
  6. I have a clan starting up, 6 members so far. If anyone is interested in joining me add or message me, my gamertag is Xokerfish321. To learn more of my clan go to cryingrunes.ezweb123.com Hope to see someone soon! -No age requirements -Must have halo reach. -Know how to play.
  7. Who is the last person to post on this thread?
  8. Best way to end a halo wars game; Play as arbiter, upgrade everything for locust and in the temple except for turrets. Build 1 Scarab and everything else locust then charge your enemies
  9. try giving everyone swords and put melee to 0%
  10. New Alexandria, partly because I run a clan and I turn the whole mission into a clan operation.
  11. funny how no one likes scarabs lol
  12. there are a lot of clans with the same initials, like my clan had the same initials but completely different names. so I added an extra letter. I think you should keep that in mind as well.
  13. Also if you'd like to see our website: dfaforce.ezweb123.com it's completed, but updates are slow at times.
  14. You can join DFA Force, we are mostly a Spartan clan, but there are some Elites (maybe out 2 or 3?) Hit me up , GT- Admiral Neptune. I'd be glad to see how you fit, I'll be online Sunday or Monday for as I am doing some other curricular activities. Thank you for your time. I don't think he's against Sangheili, I just think he wants a clan that doesn't have a specific Species you have to be.
  15. There will be a Halo 2 Anniversary, it will come out 10 years prior to the release date as well as CEA. I have been told this but not seen myself.
  16. I pick boarding action, it's a hardcore map where you gotta watch your back and for enemies on the otherside
  17. Library on solo heroic or legendary is difficult either way lol. Finally beat it with a 6 deathcounts
  18. They should've kept some of those colors, they'd look bad ass on reach
  19. Thanks for the help, I wanted to know how to make elevators. Gives me an idea on how to make elevators going up.
  20. Their heretics, aka covenant separatists. Besides I myself have been wondering what happened to John after the ring teleported somewhere with John.
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