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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy


    For some reason Forge won't allow me to touch the weapon pads, or even the bases. They're like fixed structures on the map. So the Spartan Lasers going to have to stay, I was working on fixing it but I couldn't. That and I'm still finalizing the map, I've added a Light Rifle and a couple more BR's and DMR's as well as some grenades. I just published the finished product, but Halo 5 works in it's own beautiful way. If you bookmark a map, and it's updated you'll get the updated version in your bookmarks. Anyways, maps still being finalized. So what's posted is posted.
  2. Fishy


    More like Avalanche, Ice Fields, or Sidewinder.
  3. There was originally a region lock during the Pre-Season, but was removed on release date. However, Halo 5 runs on a dedicated server as well. So unless you're rerouting where you're located, you should be on a European server. Anyways, it's most likely your ISP which turns to be a problem on 343's part. Also, don't say you have the fastest internet in the world to try and justify it. Your 100-100 is average, during online play it's different. If you're using Wifi, stop and start using Ethernet. Gaming consoles aren't made for Wifi, they'll bounce the Ping, Upload, and Download all over the place. Anyways, switch to Ethernet if you're already not using it, search up and see if your internet provider is one of those on the list that are having troubles connecting to Halo 5 servers, all in all if nothing works. It's probably a location thing, maybe it's just finding players on your part. Since I don't know very many people from Sweden who play. But I do know people in Europe don't have problems playing online.
  4. Fishy


    So I spent some time in forge the past two weeks, working on this map. Drizzy likes to call it the "Blood Gulch ice version" but that's not what I had in mind. I was thinking more of a map with vehicle warfare on the top, and infantry warfare in the Ravine. Now to get on the topic. Hiemal is a Tundra, boxed in by giant pieces of ice. Red Teams on one side of the map, right next the the small brush of a forest. While Blue team resides over in between some rocks, next to a pit. Each team has its own unique thing, but still have a lot of similarities. Such as they both carry the following supplies and vehicles: 2x Warthog, 1x Gungoose, 1x Ghost, 1x Wraith. 1x DMR, 1x Spartan Laser, 1x Hydra Launcher. Now, it's not much, but the difference between the two bases is that Blue team has Plasma Grenades, while Red Team has Pulse Grenades. Both are handy in different situations, and can be used at an advantage. Weapons are placed on the map, but will be hard to find since the map is so big. (Actually about the size of Containment on the top, Rig on the bottom) There are 1x Fuel Rod, 4x BR, 6x Frag, 2x DMR, 1x Light Rifle, 1x SAW, 1x SPNKR Launcher, 4x Frag, 1x Damage Boost, 1x Binary Rifle (Weapon Pad) The map is a strict no-flying zone, so do not expect any vehicles on the map. Also, you might want to use a vehicle to traverse the top of the ice. The ravine isn't a problem with sprint, and you have two options to leave this area. 1 is on the snow ramp, furthest from the cliff. The second one is a man cannon on the cliff, but you'll have to climb up to it. Supported Gametypes: Strongholds, CTF, Slayer Anyways, that's all folks! Be sure to view the images below! As well as the Camera Pan GIF!
  5. Here's everything, you guys. Warning: Images are kinda big. Rain of Oblivion: Uncommon - The Rain of Oblivion's grip has been held by a thousand heroes and a hundred villains. Upgraded Carbine with fully automatic action and extended magazine. Blood of Suban: Rare - The genius and talent of the artisan-armorers on Suban is only matched by their newfound avarice. Advanced Carbine that fires armor-piercing Needler shards. If multiple shards quickly strike a target they will create a "supercombine" explosion. Achilles Armor Set: Armor: Only Spartans who have mastered themselves, bound their wrath and passion within a shell of hyperdense steel fueled by starfire, are granted access to the ACHILLES. Lesser warriors will lose themselves in a storm of blood. To receive this armor your Spartan Company must achieve Level 3 in all Kill Commendations. Helmet: The AI that lies within the branching lattice of the ACHILLES' neural interface gnaws at the mind of its partner. No Spartan can stand alone against its urgings of unbridled excess, but through bonds of loyalty and duty they can be held at bay. Spartan Companies must achieve Level 5 in all Kill Commendations to receive this helmet. Halo 2 BR: The very first BR in Halo history, it IS forgeable. So if you have a Halo 2 remake map, replace them with these.
  6. Stop Stabbing Yourself: Wind Up: Also, 2 new Carbine's. One's the Needle Rifle Also, Achilles is only available through Spartan Company commendations. It is not in a Gold-Silver REQ pack. Source
  7. Plasma/Caster not enough Conan to go around for all of us.
  8. I don't think it matters as much because it's broken like everything else in the game. And I highly doubt that, your chart shows a LOT more people are in Gold and Platinum. Like 5% of people are in Onyx, not 20% Basically, 2% Champion, 4% Bronze, 4% Onyx, 15% Silver, 15% Diamond, 30% Gold, 30% Platinum At least that's the easiest way I'd estimate the percentages. And to answer your first question, who knows? 343 are the only ones who could confirm this. But Halo 5 goes by a win-loss system, and a performance system... If you play in a team and win, you go up a rank... After 6 ranks, next tier... And so on. It's not difficult, just takes a few matches and you rank up. And more people are in Silver, Gold, and Platinum because Bronze is literally for players who have -50KDA, so basically letting your 3 year old cousin play for 10 matches and getting you certified.
  9. Whatever they are, I will have them all within a few days.
  10. 2/10 Because he lies. Farmers don't go to 343industries.org They go to Farmersonly.com Smh, and to think you were the Ali of Destruct Septim.
  11. "I'm hoping for more community forged maps." Is what would be expected to say. But yeah, I liked Skyline a lot. Don't see anything like it, Eden/Empire looked like a crappy attempt at it. But Skyline had the atmosphere, the view, and the background. Plus the dark of nighttime... Yes.. Just yes... The map was perfect in every way. Halo 5 doesn't have that. So, I would like a Skyline transfer, pl0x.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean, are you talking about something like this? Because it's the only fan club I know of.
  13. "Top Member of the Month" Top 10, or Member of the Month? lol.
  14. I haven't started writing yet, probably won't until next week sometime.
  15. #ReachDidItBetter All i gotta say, I really struggled when I first went to customize my Spartan. I still do, I feel as if it is incomplete... Void Dancer Helmet, Copperhead Fangs Armor, Rex Visor... I really want to add a permutation or something to my helmet, or my wrist. Or anything. Three things to customize are boring, and Halo 4 definitely did it better with the legs and arms customization's. I feel as if 343 didn't care that much about Halo 5 and reverted to the old Halo 3 style of armor customization. And of course, who really gives a crap about stances? Sure they show off that weapon skin, or your armor. But it doesn't change gameplay. And assassinations really disappointed me, I thought at first that everytime I unlocked one it would go to the assassination RNG and choose one of the one's I have instead of a select one. Which only works half the time seeing as there's an in-game bug that will choose another players assassination instead of your own... I've done Back Breaker or Spin Cycle so many times with Spinal Tap equipped... It's almost as if I'm being mocked. Generally the only thing I really like are Weapon Skins, but in the end everyone is going to wear the Bracer's, HCS, and Clash/Potence's only because they're Legendary. All-in-All, I was dissatisfied.
  16. I'll be making the Prologue next week, make sure to get finalization's in, and new-comers are still allowed to post at anytime.
  17. Of course, in CTF... Such a disappointing gametype to see available nowadays in Big Team Battle. All people go for is kills, which you literally demonstrated in this video. If it was on Fathom, Coliseum, Rig, or anywhere else. People would've gone for captures, but nope. Not in BTB. Really disappointed by the community for this, grow up and play the game mode right. I mean, I didn't even see any real attempts for flag captures in this, it was just all out warfare for the 18 minutes of the match... Smh.
  18. Sure, leave tactics to the guy who hasn't unlocked or tested everything. 6 Wraith's would do more damage, btw, sir. And they only require REQ's 4-6
  19. Where's the 6 Banshees picture? Is it because Banshees aren't good enough for you? Huh???
  20. March on Stormbreak is not a good map for vehicles. Here's a little guidance, from the man who owns everything and has tested these strategies: March on Stormbreak No ground vehicles, only Aerial Vehicles. Map movement is terrible on vehicles, players have the advantage. This is where the Phaeton and Banshee are the most useful, because vehicles are easy to predict where they will go on the only 2 paths you can go. (Through mid and through tunnels) Best thing to use on this map, is your power weapons. Escape from A.R.C. First off, this map is terrible. And the chances to spawn higher vehicles are unlikely, since most people rush both the armories then head to your core... But, I recommend using your ground vehicles on this map, aerial vehicles are not wise. Warthogs, Ghosts, Scorpions, Wraiths... If you can't fly with it, use it. Especially Ghosts and Warthogs. The reason I say not to use Aerial vehicles, is because if an enemy team has an armory, you're going to be shot down pretty easily, as you're exposed to everyone, since it's a small open map. Phaeton's and Banshee's are a huge no-no, trust me. I've tried it, your banshee won't last near as long as any other map, and your Phaeton is a flying, slow target. As for Power Weapons, they are all very useful. Plasma pistols aren't needed as much, but can help if you are getting slaughtered. Rain on Apex 7 Alright, this map is a simple answer... USE EVERYTHING. Ground vehicles are very vital, just be careful if you have a Scorpion, because your slow speed from your core to even the closest armory, is a long trip at the risk of an easy boarding... Aerial Vehicles, Ground Vehicles, and Power Weapons will do you every bit of good. So in other words, this map pretty much supports everything. Battle of Noctus: Uh yeah, this map is pretty bad in cover-wise... So everything depends on what areas you control. The useful vehicles, are everything but Aerial Vehicles, aerial vehicles shouldn't be used AT ALL. You might get a bunch of kills, but your lifespan is gonna be very short like it is on A.R.C. The maps too open. If they have monument: Power weapons and heavy vehicles are all you should spawn, oh and Warthogs help too. I mean, the city is a roundabout... If you have monument: Everything is useful to you, except Aerial vehicles. So I suggest you keep that monument in lockdown, and the game will play in your favor. Hope you take this into consideration, and I hope it helps!
  21. They were to let everyone know that these Dragons... Are FANCY!
  22. Today I received my replacements for my Dragon, with 2 DRAGONS! Here's some pictures for show! Ash Copper
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