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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. That's entirely stupid. Seeing the precursors would not be something anyone would want to see. Just like seeing Chief's face. (At his current age) Especially since everyone says they're all dead. Besides, the flood is as much of a precursor as you are gonna get. They are precursors y'know.
  2. You guys do realize you don't have to board Regret to kill him, right? I have no clue why you keep saying that's the only way. You can shoot him down. Fuel Rod and Rocket Launcher will almost instantly kill him. Depending on difficulty. However, boarding him is the easy/fun way. It's also the only reason why 343 included the filler Prophet Skull. To make it more fun, and for an achievement. However, if you do not board him and just shoot him down. You will not get the achievement. So overall, he can be shot down. I mean, why couldn't he? They shot down a prophet in Halo: Legends with a sniper shot. Why wouldn't Regret have been able too?
  3. Dinosaurs weren't Elite's. 0/10 On a more serious note, I didn't enjoy the movie all that much. So many cliches were placed, that the next scene was entirely predictable. Colin Trevorrow disappointed me. You can also tell this movie was made more for the giggles than any other of the Jurassic Park Series. Making everything a joke, you can honestly tell they kinda gave up but made the best of it at the same time. I give the Movie a "D+" I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. Happy birthday EK.
  4. First off, we are not the official 343 Industries, that is over at http://HaloWaypoint.com Secondly, if the servers are down. The last thing 343 is going to do, it go fix the problem. They could honestly care less, if anything. I recommend using alternate methods to play online. Like self hosting or something, not relying on other servers.
  5. So... Yes? Do you agree on a 3v3v3v3 Neutral Flag on Warlock?
  6. As the title says, what would you suggest? We have Team Slayer, Team Snipers, Team Doubles, SWAT, Big Team Battle, Rumble Pit, Team Hardcore, Halo Championship series. Then we have each unique games playlist. H:CE, H2, H2A, H3, H4. Now, let's here your suggestions. I prefer a Multi Team playlist for the giggles and action packed fun. I'd love to see a 3v3v3v3 multi team playlist. Neutral flag on Warlock anyone?
  7. You can unlock the weapons in-game, you don't have to preorder. Source. And I do not know for sure about the Warzone only. I'm just assuming it is, because their whole arena-style multiplayer. Whereas Warzone obviously does not have that.
  8. Actually, as far as I have looked into it. These weapon enhancements don't work outside of Warzone and certain playlists. So that's no big deal then, and Warzone is big enough with a lot of people with preorders, nobody is really going to care. People are going to be more upset about dying in general, than actually being killed by a weapon with buff.
  9. Yes it is, Spyro. Yes it is. Even Yoshi said so in the review.
  10. Yes, as Yoshi stated, him and I do Halo Team Assemble. You can just add us on Xbox or talk to us on here. Our GT's are L Fishy L and Yoshi1176. We'll invite you if you're online.
  11. Join myself and other stars of the community for an action packed evening of customs. You will be pitted against the very best of the forum in this adrenaline filled night in only the best customs maps and game types currently at our disposal. If you are planning on joining just send me a message for an invite to the lobby at the start time. GT: L Fishy L Bring your own customs and maps because they may be played! Date: Friday July 3rd 2015 Time: 9pm EST (6pm PST) Place: The Master Chief Collection Any questions message me! If you know for sure you can attend sign up below. If not do not post here as it promotes spam. If you want to come but cannot guarantee your attendance message me the day of the event and if there is room you can join then. Take note that EK's Heretic Event takes place the same day at 3pm EST, so this event will happen later and his event would hopefully be done by then. If not, this one will be pushed back. Attendees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
  12. Ah, now I understand. Highly acceptable. I would have hated to see the Revenant return. Was a good idea, but wouldn't have last in Halo 4.
  13. Ah yes, about time. We talked about this literally two days ago. Congrats Yang, you deserve it!
  14. Seems reasonable, I'm not against the ideas unless they're stupid, of course. Lol. Also? Halo 4 has the Revenant? Lolwat?
  15. Hmm? So 343 and Mega Bloks are bringing scrapped vehicles into play? That seems weird. Are they doing it for all or just a few of the better though pieces? The Aardvark would be an amazing vehicle I'd like to see. However, the Doozy isn't something I'd like to see. But I thought scrapped ideas were scrapped. And scrapped ideas usually don't come back into play, well because it was scrapped for a reason. You know why they're doing this?
  16. Yes they do, they have the Hornet. (No rocket lock-on) Doubtful. The Pelican and Warthog are well correlated with one another. As seen in Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo: Reach. It serves as a vehicle transport. That said, Warthog's will be Warthog's. We have Machine Gun, Gauss, Rocket, and Civilian. What else do we need besides those? They can always rip the Warthog from Halo 4 like Bungie and 343i has done for all the games. That said, Halo fans use the Warthog more as transport and a light resistance. If there's a Tank, Scorpion, Hornet, or Banshee on the map. Players will most likely go for the heavier resistance. Even if it's a Gauss Hog, the heavier/aircraft vehicles are preferred more.
  17. Hello everyone, I think it’s time to sit down at the dinner table, and let it out to everyone. Yes, that’s right guys and girls. I Fishy, have been part of the Forums for 4 years, and this is my first anniversary post. Surprise surprise. *Eats some shrimp* This year, last year, the last year before last year, and the last year before the last year that was before last year. We’re all fun, although memories from 2011 are hardly retainable. I do know I came to this site, not looking for the official site. I just came to this site, curious about who 343 Industries were. At the time, Twam had a list pinned up of everyone involved. Where that list is now? I dunno, do you? That’s literally all I came to the site for, but as you can see. I stuck around. I was hated during that time, and still am. I only stayed for events and for a few friends at the time. Which all of them are now non-existent, but you may have ran into them: Harbinger, Meta Knight, Fox McCloud, and Barack Obama. All of us a big gang of friends. Only I remain. *Takes AhhOldWoman’s chicken nuggets for myself* Well, now that we’re talking about friends. I do say I have made quite a few in return. Not very many, however such friends are: Yoshi1176. As you can see, there’s barely any. My profile shows different, but these are members who I talk to and play with on Xbox the most. There’s much more of you, but those are the ones that stand out. The others know who they are, and listing everyone would discriminate. I am a Ninja, for those who do not know. Onsokumaru being the glorious leader. I was around when Total Mayh3m was in, and now I’m left beside with Rue. Who really isn’t that active, to be honest. I am part of the founders of Halo Team Assemble. Which is an on-going “improvised” event, that’s basically a playdate without a thread. It’s more of a just “show up when you’re on so we can play Halo” kind of thing. The founders are Drizzy_Dan, Yoshi1176, Fishy, Edward Kenway. Now to get to wrapping this up really quick. I love you guys, thanks for those of you who read or signed up for UNSC Warlord, and I hope you all enjoy your time on the forums. Leave or stay, you’ll be remembered. Spreading the love: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/40711-my-heart-has-a-problem/ http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39755-thank-you-all-of-you/ Oh, and for those of you who question why I go by the name Fishy. Here’s the simple answer. I used to go by the Gamertag: Xokerfish321. Which was originally a self-made parody of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face. 321 was added, because well... Why would it be? Even though later on I found out just Xokerfish was a free GT. *Takes Yoshi1176’s honeydew.* Anyways, on to the explanation, I started going by Fishy because everyone ignored my gamertag and just called me “Fish” or “Fishy”, because it was easier for them. Only two people called me “Xoker” and that didn’t sound right. (One of those two is famous on the forums, and still around today. You all know who he is.) This is the end of my show and tell. Thanks guys, enjoy.
  18. *Spartan Strike/Assault
  19. Not even I eat at an outback steakhouse. That's probably cause I cook my own food, instead of going out to eat. Also, don't let Azaxx fool you. Australians go out to eat at restaurants. I mean, they even have a McDonalds. That's a restaurant, isn't it?
  20. Silenced DMR... More like suppressed. Unless it has absolutely no sound whatsoever when it's fired. It's suppressed. And hides you from radar? Lol. I'm pretty sure you'll still be spotted on the radar. Almost majority of players move while they shoot, they don't sit still. Unless they have the sniper rifle. Lagrange... That name bothers me. Makes me think of LAG. That SMG with long barrel though... For those of you who do not know. A long barrow increases range... So if you're killed from the distance with the SMG, you'll know why. However, it's like a 15% range increase. If they're doing what Call of Duty did. However, I haven't used the SMG in Halo 5 ever. So the long barrel might be useless, unless that's the only weapon attachment it gets. Then, however, I would take that any day. And Longshot Assault Rifle? What... What. That name, and the less recoil together... Make it sound horrifying. Especially if it's as powerful as Halo 4's Assault Rifle. However, I'm getting the Battle Rifle. Yay....
  21. Oi, m8. I remember you when you were still cloaked in Green! I remember you with your SMS Maps! Which is pretty much my favorite thing you have done, even though you didn't mention it... (Remake Rico Harbor! ) Anyways, glad to see you make a return bud. Hopefully I get to see you around more like the old days. Hell, if you want in on an event. You're always welcome to join. Yoshi and I are almost always available. Plus we have a thing called Halo Team Assemble. Which are just "improvised" events, which you're welcome to join if you're on at the time. Welcome back TDM.
  22. Throwback to SikSlik7's Invasion Event before release day of Halo 4, and all the participants.
  23. OMG, FNG. My favorite title of all time. XD Although OLDWOMAN stole it from me... He can borrow it, for a bit.
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