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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Old Habits Die Hard. You're going to have to do what you did when you lived in separate towns to be able to play together. Even if you're in the same house. Just the way it works now. Besides that, couch co-op only affects a few percentile. Not very many people are affected. It's basically just getting rid of the old and bringing in the new. A bunch of fans complained about Halo 4, look at the aftermath that took place.
  2. Plasma Pistols didn't have an EMP affect on vehicles in Halo CE or Halo Wars, but it did in Reach. Why is this?
  3. You are correct for the most part. Like 9 out of 10 of the way to being right.
  4. No, it's just like Black Ops 2. You get points/score for kills, assist, objective goals, etc. Objective's give more points, since that's the point of the game. But here's an image of confirmed scorestreaks. Some have stayed, and some are new. Some even have changes. For example the RC-XD is now called the HC-XD and can climb on vertical surfaces. It has also been noted there are no "Attack Dogs" but they have been replaced with goat cart wheel looking things, that have spikes on them. They just roll around the map and kill people. Also, there is no more "Panic knifing" it has been replaced with hitting with the butt of your gun. But that won't kill them, this takes two hits to kill them instead of one.
  5. Now this is tottaly my ham. A mod I can remember. Welcome back, Iron Man.
  6. No. You don't know what I mean. If you go to on your Xbox One > Settings > Network > Advance Settings > Alternate MAC Address > Clear > Restart
  7. Go play the Handsome Collection split screen and you tell me if frame rates matter. Except The Hansome Collection can do 4 player splitscreen. Each time you splitscreen, your Frame Rate drop by half, and your resolution lowers. So Single Player is 60 and 2 player is 30 with 480p. Now, go to 3 players, that 15, and 4 players... Well you get it. But the 30 FR is still a problem I'm pretty sure 2K showed everyone that. There are times where the frame rates drop to a little less than 1. You can move, but it will just be really really slow for you. You can complain all you want, but it will have issues that you will complain about. No matter what, you WILL complain. Split screen or not. "343 pls fix coop" It's kind of irritating, and annoying.
  8. A disc is for those who want the hard, physical copy. Collectors and what not. The only good thing about having a physical copy, is that you can take it back or trade it in. You are able to get refunds. The only other advantage, now. Is store deals on the games, like 5% off or something. That's just saving money though. To be honest, a lot of people actually like Digital Download. It's easy, here's a comment I managed to find from someone. I don't 100% agree with everything, but he does have a point to it:
  9. Digital Download is far better in my opinion. Yes, you will be waiting for the download. But those who get the Collector's edition will get the bundle 1 week early, and can pre-downlaod Halo 5 Guardians during that time. I'm pretty sure this is just more convenience than anything, so if your disc gets scratched or something happens to it. You still have your game. Which is pretty user friendly. That, and the download size is the same size of the installation. Whoever tells you otherwise is an idiot. I have tested this out before, multiple times. They are the same size.
  10. You can try a hard reset or you can go to Advanced Settings in your Network and Clear you MAC Address. If not, what I have done is just launch MCC and if it ever pops up with that box. Just dashboard, press the menu button on the game, and select quit. Then launch the game in 30 seconds and see if it works. Or you could just eject the game, and then reinsert it. Which is a slower process, and that might not even work. Let us know if that works or not.
  11. Sure thing, I can be down for this.
  12. Oh snap, a whole month. See ya later EK. Enjoy your month in gold.
  13. Yes, they are going off of lore as much as they went off of lore for Halo 4. As much as they have for any Halo game, all the games are lore. But Halo 5 is building itself up a lot more with it. Anyone who says it's not is dumb. Just ask BaconShelf, he will clear it up for you nice and clean.
  14. Black Ops 3 will have Scorestreaks, not killsreaks. Confirmed at E3.
  15. Why does it matter? It's just a game, and are the the only physics that bother you? There's a lot more in the games.
  16. Here is the current list of games they said that can run on the One: A Kingdom for Keflings A World of Keflings Alien Hominid HD Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Tooie BattleBlock Theater Borderlands Defense Grid Gears of War Geometry Wars Evolved Hexic HD Jetpac Refuelled Kameo Mass Effect N+ Perfect Dark Perfect Dark Zero Shadow Complex Small Arms Super Meat Boy Toy Soldiers Toy Soldiers: Cold War Viva Piñata Viva Piñata: TIP Zuma As for games that you want on the console, you're best bet is to go here and vote. https://xbox.uservoice.com/forums/298503-backwards-compatibility I hope that clears it up for you.
  17. When launching the game, you will be prompted with a loading screen as such: Also, notice on the DLC. As far as I have tested, it pops up with the Xbox 360 guide saying. "This item is temporarily disabled." So DLC is not available, yet at least. This also may be just the Preview Program. As far as games go, they work as well as they did on the Xbox 360. All you do is pop in your disc or load your Digital Content, and start the game. Note: It takes you directly to the game, it will not take you to the Xbox 360 dashboard. For those of you thinking of the Wii U's Backwards Compatibility setup.
  18. We do not know about DLC yet, but I am sure you can. Any Digital Content bought is accessible, for games that is. Besides, GOTY Editions would have DLC's and others would not. I'm pretty sure this it will happen.
  19. Take note from the video of the campaign demo 1:09, Buck implies that nobody else knows about what they're going to do. Leaving their mission classified. 2:28, Grunt flies in from out of nowhere and explodes. 2:57, Guardian is capable of obliterating aircraft and structures with a single pulse. 5:08, Promethean (Soldier) can speak English, fluently. 6:12, Spirits are back, and with modifications for deployment it seems.
  20. Now to let you guys know, that you all have been trolled. That photo was posted to troll everyone. Initially I said that because I thought Yoshi was Mafian, and to spare my life. I didn't die, so I thought it worked. After I found out he was the medic working with Drizzy, I worked like a normal protown. (Like I did the entire game) My votes were from discussion, not from hatred on protown. Hence why I said to look at the time stamp. Good game, guys.
  21. For everyone who wishes to know more about the Xbox One's Backwards Compatibility, I have managed to copy and paste what us Xbox One Preview Program Members are testing at this moment. They gave us a Q&A sheet, and this is what it says. Now take your time to enjoy and read. However, the only thing we do not know for sure is matchmaking. I will update later once I find out, or if any other Preview Programmer has tested the severs. Thank you, and enjoy your read. Q: How do I play an Xbox 360 game on my Xbox One? A: You must own a supported Xbox 360 title. (For a list of supported titles, see below) If you have a supported digital version of the game, you can install the game from the “Ready to Install” section of My games & apps. If you have a disk version of the game, you can simply insert the disk into your Xbox One console. Q: Where is Borderlands? You showed it, but I don’t see it in Preview. A: We are continuing to finalize all the necessary packaging and validation work with our partners to bring your favorite games to the program as soon as possible. While not part of the Preview launch, stay tuned to find out when Borderlands will be available through Xbox One Backward Compatibility. Q: What about my other Xbox 360 games? A: We are continuing to add more titles. Not all titles will be supported but check back and see if your titles have been added to the list. Or go to Xbox Feedback to suggest your favorites. Q: Do I need to also own an Xbox 360 Console to play these games? A: No, you do not need to own an Xbox 360 console. Q: Can I buy these games from the Xbox One store? A: If you want to purchase these games, you can buy them digitally from the store on your Xbox 360 console, on xbox.com (search for titles in Xbox 360 games) or from your local retailer. Q: How do I get to the Xbox 360 Guide on my Xbox One? A: While playing your Xbox 360 game on Xbox One, you can access the Xbox 360 Guide by pressing the Menu and View buttons on your Xbox One controller at the same time. (Note: some games have additional functionality when pressing either the Menu or the View button individually. Be mindful there may be unexpected behavior if you press one button prior to the other. Check the Game Specific Issues in the Known Issues for workarounds in specific titles.) Q: Can I continue a game that I started on my Xbox 360? A: If you have saved your games to the cloud from an Xbox 360, you will be able to continue that game on the Xbox One. Some titles do not support cloud storage. In those cases, game saves will not be recovered on the Xbox One. Please refer to the list below to see which titles do not support cloud storage. For help on saving your games to the cloud from your Xbox 360 console, check the following articles: Setting up cloud storage on 360: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/games/cloud-save-games Troubleshooting: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/games/cloud-save-troubleshoot FAQ: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/games/game-saves-in-the-cloud-faq Q: I saved my game on Xbox One but don’t see the saved game on my Xbox 360. What happened to my game? A: Xbox 360 game saves are uploaded after you quit the game on Xbox One. You must quit it from Home or launch another non-backward compatible game in order for the save to be uploaded. If you turn off your console, it will be uploaded when you turn it back on. Q: Can I play multiplayer with friends who are playing the game on Xbox 360 or Xbox One? A: Yes! For games that have multiplayer, you will be able to play with others who own the title on Xbox 360. For Xbox One users, only members of the Public Preview audience who own the game will be able to play with you during this beta. Q: Will I need to earn my game achievements again on the Xbox One? A: No, if you originally earned the game achievement on the Xbox 360 you will not get duplicate achievements nor lose your previous achievements. Source: Xbox Preview Dashboard > Backward Compatibility is here! > New Experiences
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