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Everything posted by CrashX

  1. Soo yesterday I played against this dude WingnutUSN. They practically slaughtered us and were dicks about it over the mics, but I was the only one having the same amount or more kills than him, so I teabagged him for being so arrogant. Next thing you know he says: "I'm gonna check that guy's account, I'm gonna check it and get him banned...yeah the usual" He then sends me a voice message that goes like this: "Hi, My name is Marcus Chet(?) I work in conjunction with 343, I was just in match with you. I'm noticing you are using a mod or a lag switch. I'm not sure which. But I will be investigating you're account hope to get back to you soon or later this week to get you banned. Thank you." He then sends me somekind of a serial code as a normal text message. Lol so I obviously don't have any of those two. I'm not even sure what they are.The point is if he really is a employer of 343, he's using his power in a wrong way because getting mad over a game. Have you encountered this poser??
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