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Everything posted by TARGETL0CKED

  1. I know that this is not the official site. However, I have tried messaging 343 multiple times on Halo Waypoint and thy have not responded so I figured I would give this forum a shot
  2. Dear 343, I know you must be constantly getting suggestions for upcoming halo games and that you are all busy. However, I do have a suggestion that I would like you to consider for the next halo game. I really enjoyed firefight from Halo Reach and was disappointed when it didn't make it into Halo 4, although I enjoyed Spartan Ops just as much. I also really enjoy forging in both Halo Reach and Halo 4, and I have built a variety of bases in both games. The only problem with forge is after I complete a base I have nobody to use it against. My suggestion is to create an option where you can combine firefight and forge in the next Halo game. For example, a player could customize his/her own base (including weapons, vehicles, and other items) and then use the base to fend off an army of covenant. He/she could also build their own custom map to use in firefight if they wanted to do so. If this option is not possible I would at least recommenced that the next Halo include the option to battle AI in Custom Game. Therefore, players could just build a base/map in forge and then save it as a custom map in order to battle computer generated enemies. Another suggestion I have is to give players an unlimited budget and set no limit on the items they can use in forge. This would allow players to built more complex maps and bases without restricting their creativity. This should also be applied to the forge/firefight mode if it is added. I would also like to see the Hornet from Halo 3 and the Falcon from Halo Reach return in the next Halo. I felt that is was unfair to the UNSC to have no flying vehicles to combat the banshee in Halo 4. Also, I personally thought it was fun to fly these vehicles around and would like to be able to use them in Halo 5. I would also appreciate if you would bring back Forge World from Reach because I felt that Halo 4′s forge maps were too compact. Lastly, I suggest keeping loadouts and the ability to sprint from Halo 4. Thank you for considering my suggestions and ideas for the upcoming halo. Sincerely, TARGETL0CKED Feel free to post your own ideas here as well. Hopefully 343 will look at our ideas and decide to include them in the next Halo.
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