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Everything posted by ShadowFiend216

  1. ShadowFiend216

    The Arbiter

    From the album: My Drawings

  2. ShadowFiend216

    Halo 2 Logo

    From the album: My Drawings

  3. Not sure if RubyPr1ncess will go. I haven't even seen her online in a couple days. But who knows.....
  4. Destroy each other? You mean me destroy the rest of you? Just kidding, I should be there....
  5. Ok, so now that I have all of the Halo 4 DLC, 343 needs to put up an all DLC playlist, otherwise it's pretty much impossible to find a match in DLC maps....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vaulting♥Frog


      Welcome to the human race. We are a pathetic bunch

    3. Akali


      Well load up Halo 4

    4. ShadowFiend216


      Yes. So as soon as I get done complaining about this, I load up H4, and the new playlist is Team DLC.........

  6. ​I can't wait for my turn.... I've seen the map about halfway through the list and it looks pretty good so far. And no, I didn't do anything to it. That color is really hard to read....
  7. Not sure if I'll be able to make it or not..... I'll try though. GT: ShadowFiend216
  8. I don't know. I guess I'll just have to wait for a response from Bnus and see what happens.
  9. Well you know I figured I'd give it a shot, instead of doing the same old team vs. team thing, I thought I'd try something differemt The KD that I provided is overall. It counts all of my kills and deaths from anywhere in matchmaking, whether it be from BTB or SWAT, or any other playlist. My KD for Custom Games is only 1.20, yet oddly I have 216 victories, and only 92 defeats. So I'm either getting lots of kills, but also dying a lot, or I'm always on the winning team with others carrying me.
  10. If someone could message me on XBL when it's my turn, that'd be great. Because I'm on there a lot more than here.
  11. Ok, here's the info some of you wanted.... even though rank doesn't really mean anything.... -KD: 1.36 -Loadout: -Primary: DMR -Secondary: Plasma Pistol -Grenade: Plasma -Armor Ability: Jet Pack -Tactical Package: Mobility -Support Upgrade: Ammo -Rank: SR-130 I'm not saying he shouldn't be one, I just think there should be more than one, just so let's say one team hires GSD, then at least the other team would have some extra help, instead of being completely obliterated.
  12. Alright, so as many of you already know, the Great Forum War is coming up soon. I want to be a mercenary, but I don't know if I'm a good enough player to be one, or, "One-man army." So what I want to know from all of you is, do you think I'm qualified to be a mercenary during the Great Forum War?
  13. I'll be there, to claim my throne that is. -ShadowKing216-
  14. So I want to be a mercenary, but I don't know if I'm a, "One-man army." I think I'm a decent player, but of course that's my opinion. Maybe I shall make a topic asking the members of this fine community if they think I'm qualified to be a mercenary........
  15. If only I had something meaningful to say, but everyone already made the important points. Welcome to the forum! I hope this post isn't to meaningless. And Boss, I don't think crouching on other's corpses is a good way to make friends...... but if you don't want friends, then have at it!
  16. How does one become a mercenary such as GSD? Unless that was just a joke, I'll be on whatever team. But seriously, the mercenary thing, I like.......
  17. I don't think anyone wants drinks from Caboose..... ​Congratulations! I'm going to miss the events, but hopefully you'll pop in every once in a while and give us something. Good luck on whatever your starting up.
  18. Of course. The Halo 2 Anniversary has finally come, along with other great features included, and I'll never have it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      The only thing you'll miss out on is the Halo 5 Beta, and Pre-order Skulls, so it won't be that bad.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      And playing all those halo multiplayer a with a saturated population.....on 1080p.... On dedi Servs.

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      He's saying that he'll get one eventually Yoko. I'm just saying that the initial content won't be much to miss.

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